@Kings de Los Angeles

Les Kings de LA balayent les Sharks derrière un gros match de Quinton Byfield

Les Kings de Los Angeles ont poursuivi leur chemin vers la victoire sans être à leur meilleur. Nous parlerons et détaillerons une autre victoire contre les Sharks de San Jose. Quinton Byfield a eu une grosse soirée, est-ce que ça va faire avancer son jeu ? L’année de carrière de Gabe Vilardi se poursuit et Pheonix Copley continue de gagner et a eu une célébration spéciale. Nous parlerons de tout cela et plus encore dans cette édition de Locked on LA Kings. Soutenez-nous en soutenant nos sponsors ! BetOnline BetOnline.net vous a couvert cette saison avec plus d’accessoires, de cotes et de lignes que jamais auparavant. BetOnline – Où le jeu commence ! Athletic Greens Pour vous faciliter la tâche, Athletic Greens vous offrira un approvisionnement GRATUIT d’un an en vitamine D de soutien immunitaire ET 5 packs de voyage GRATUITS avec votre premier achat. Tout ce que vous avez à faire est de visiter athleticgreens.com/NHLNETWORK #lakings #kings #nhl


  1. We as Kings fans wish to thank you because you know we can’t have enough Kings and you do it right 👍🏼

  2. Updated a spreadsheet I created comparing last year's stats vs this year's.
    Last year vs this year, Kings have had:
    14 more power play opportunities
    14 more power play goals

    Check it yourself

  3. I may be biased but it feels like every time we’re televised nationally, the commentators always favor the other team. It was especially noticeable in the playoff series against Edmonton last season!

  4. Hey, is it just me or does anyone get excited to see QB make that move to the left of the net and then it turns into a feed and a goal?…..wow, that was what that cat is capable of and man if he does that I am a believer……..that was sweet…it was strong it was confident and it was flat out badass!….

  5. And one more thing….Phoenix did the same thing last week when they won an overtime game….he went over to Will and gave hi ma high 5….this was after the overtime….can;t remember which game but it was less than 2 weeks ago….it was the same thing as against San Jose….it was real cool…..love that dude – Mr. PC!

  6. Thanks again Eddie for your Kings video! We fans need our daily Kings fix. Basically you called it that the Kings could/would turn it around with the win over the Bruins at their rink!

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