@Predators de Nashville

Prédateurs @ Canadiens 1/12 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2023

Faits saillants prolongés des Predators de Nashville aux Canadiens de Montréal


  1. Ylonen played great. Probably deserved an earlier chance to play in the NHL but a great start nonetheless

  2. Saros was put on a show in the first but two bad ones costed him and the habs went to work

  3. The nhl should look att caufield as a combination of mcdavid Ovi combined caufield has a bit of wheels like mcdavid and the spot where Ovi just does not miss

  4. That play shouldn't of been blown dead the sabers goalie didn't have the puck covered it was against the pad it wasn't a safe puck.

  5. Was at the game tonight, after PK ceremony you could sense the team was fired up…lots of chances on. It’s ends, great game to witness.

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