@Ligue nationale de hockey

Vont-ils tous les 3 prendre leur retraite avec leur équipe actuelle ?

Vont-ils tous les 3 prendre leur retraite avec leur équipe actuelle ?



  1. GoPensGo8758

    I think Minnesota is the least likely to win a cup and I doubt all 3 retire where they currently are. Matthews probably ends up re-signing but it’s still up in the air, McDavid I see re-signing and if the Wild are bad when Kaprisovs deal ends I see him leaving

  2. throwawayjabroniboy

    Don’t ruin my day like this, we just got Kaprizov after waiting so long.

  3. mhibew292

    The funny thing is, no one really knows. Hockey’s a funny game. All it takes is a hot goalie here, a player getting hot there, a streaking team at the right time. It’s just a shame that players like these can’t have more loyalty to their teams anymore. Fans do their part for sure. Unfortunately it doesn’t go both ways. Guess I’m too old fashioned

  4. HotDamnLisaLaFlamme

    McDavid and Kaprizov for sure. Biased af but I have to believe that Toronto will get over the hump at some point lol

  5. HagelssBagelss

    McDavid will leave for a cup, Matthews will leave for $$ and Kaprisov will stay..

  6. Calling__Elvis

    McDavid. By a factor of 1,000.

  7. shittybillz

    I think Auston is most likely to leave. Not because of the cup, because he’s American and Americans tend to like playing in the USA more. He signed a 5 year deal instead of a 8 year deal because he’s going to weigh options.

    The leafs will have a decent shot to re-sign him, and they may, but he will definitely take a look at his options and visit other teams

  8. Loud_Appeal_8895

    The one I see most likely leaving is Kaprizov tbh if Wild can’t make a jump in standings over the next few years. They have made changes but it might not be enough to convince Kaprizov to stay long term.

    McDavid will also probably leave if he keeps having to do all the Oilers heavy lifting alongside Draisitl. He might become unhappy if they can’t build a team around him and can’t make playoffs/no decent playoff success in the coming years.

    Matthews is most likely to stay imo if the Leafs can make a decent cup run, they’ve been solid the last few years but can’t shake the 1st round monkey off thier backs. If they don’t make a run soon Matthews doesn’t resign.

  9. MiloGoesToTheFatFarm

    Don’t bring Russian baby Jesus into this

  10. Christian_9712

    I think Mcdavid will probably stay. Matthews Will probably leave for Arizona. And I’m pretty confident kaprizov can’t wait to get out of Minnesota.

  11. fulibtardfools

    No, I doubt if any of the three will.

  12. Fun_One3022

    Kaprizov will stick around for a while. I don’t see him jumping ship

  13. Very_Opinionated_One

    Mathews to the Yotes for 3 cups with Bedard

  14. JustSixTrees

    McDavid is the least likely to move but none of the three teams they are on are winning anytime soon

  15. billysonoma

    McDavid. No one stays in Edmonton forever. And that franchise is terrible. Just wasting him and Leon (too lazy to spell last name correctly).

  16. BannedRemovedDeleted

    I think that Toronto has all the pieces to win. Offensively they are great. Goaltending has been pretty good this year too. They just need to tighten up on defense. The Oilers will not win with McDavid if they fail to fix all the holes in the roster and they are struggling with Cap space. Minnesota is a good team but similar to Edmonton they have holes to fix. So to answer your question. Connor and Karill would have to look elsewhere for a shot at Lord Stanley!

  17. General_Worth9311

    McDavid or Matthews to LA !!

  18. NothingCreative1

    All three will leave and sign cap friendly deals with Ottawa!

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