@Canucks de Vancouver

Mon vendredi s’est nettement amélioré

Mon vendredi s’est nettement amélioré



  1. yooooooo5774

    wow, lucky fan got to take a pic with a construction guy!

  2. PaperMoonShine

    Kuzy looks more thrilled to be in your Photo than you do, lol.

  3. Seaweed-Remarkable

    Did he tell you he was a fan of your work?

  4. Rodlofton53

    1) Which Canuck is that?
    2) Hold cold can it get in Vancouver (an Albertan speaking)? Lol

  5. DJWhyYou

    If Horvat leaves and Kuzmenko stays, I’m upgrading Kuzy to my new favourite player. He always looks like he’s having fun out there and when my wife and I went to the Jets game on the 8th he threw a puck over the glass for us during warm-ups and gave us a thumbs up. Awesome pic dude.

  6. curious_pinniped

    Love this guy. I really want a Kuzy jersey t-shirt especially with the Jonny Canuck RR logo, don’t know why the team hasn’t gotten around to this, even if they don’t feel confident about keeping him, the fan base loves the guy.

  7. CamaroGirl96

    Kuzzzyyyy! I’m so jealous! Happiness just radiates from him.

  8. prophetofgreed

    This selfie is great, thanks for sharing 🤣

    Kuzy is smart to wear a toque 👍

  9. starmonkey33

    He seems like a upbeat happy guy, I really hope he stays.

  10. OutlawCountryFan

    I wouldn’t know many of these players if I saw them on the street, who knows, maybe I’ve farted in a lineup at the grocery store and Connor Garland or OEL was behind me and they had to smell my fart🤷

  11. saltyachillea

    holy fuck I’m old…canucks now looking like they are 16

  12. hangoverpho

    We should do this more to show him he has fans, so he will resign 😀

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