@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

DJ Smith, Mathieu Joseph et Derick Brassard Après-match 20 janv. 2023

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef DJ Smith et les attaquants Mathieu Joseph et Derick Brassard après le match de ce soir contre les Penguins de Pittsburgh au PPG Paints Arena. 0:00 DJ Smith 2:30 Mathieu Joseph 4:39 Derick Brassard


  1. Talbot is fucking garbage, should've been apparent last night, but DJ plays him again. Ottawa genuinely has a decent team with the right coach, Forsberg is a really solid goalie and we have amazing offensive capabilities but DJ is an awful coach. Joseph, Gambrell, Watson and Kelly are not NHL players and we can't rely on them. Get another two solid defenders and once Motte is back healthy we have a good team

  2. Je vote Giroux Capitaine ça se joue pas juste sur la glace mais dans la chambre avec un Capitaine vétéran et un coach qui lui laisse sa place. Go Sens Go!!!

  3. If we can get more wins this season than DJ Smith's BMI that'll be a success

  4. I don't even have my volume on and I can hear the excuses why isn't this guy canned he played talbot after allowing 4 goals on 19 shots 💀

  5. Well by the sound of all the whinners we will end up starting all over again because the whinners just don't understand youth takes time to mature

  6. Good effort, but lots of young player errors in that game. It must suck having to come out after games and talk to media after losses like this

    Trigger warning: The new management should definitely keep PD and DJ for a couple years until we no doubt win the cup.
    PD's done a great job with almost perfect trades over the last few years and has built up an amazing team that just needs to keep maturing.
    DJ's had to grind through the crappy rebuild years with no roster and now he's coaching this team into excellence with top notch coaching.

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