@Canucks de Vancouver

[Friedman on Twitter] Les Canucks officialisent :

[Friedman on Twitter] Les Canucks officialisent :



  1. Stumbles947

    Fuck Aqualini and fuck this team! After 33 years I’m out they are fucking monsters and idiots! Go.kraken!

  2. joeyandkuma

    i would like an official response from Rutherford why he thought it was a good idea to criticize Bruce in public and make his coaching change public instead of keeping it private and just firing Bruce with respect? Didn’t rutherford say him and bruce are friends? lol

  3. canucks3001

    It’s ok guys. This change is going to fix everything. I know we said it about every other terribly managed deal but this one will work out.

  4. TheKyleShow

    Treatment of Bruce was despicable.

    Not watching anymore games for the remainder of the season.

    Fuck this Org.

  5. puffdaddydragon

    I’m officially done supporting this joke of an organization until new ownership and management comes in. Officially becoming a Seattle Kraken fan I guess.

  6. J_Golbez

    How the hell is Mike Yeo still employed? The downgrade from Brad Shaw to him was noticable (though Bruce is the one that wanted him), and everything Yeo touches turns to shit… (I guess that is good for the tank)

  7. theboneandonly

    Foote and Gonchar are good hires, not gonna lie.

  8. dachshundie

    What the f? So they could’ve just made Mike Yeo or King interim head coach, instead of dragging things out for Bruce, the players, and the fans. Unless there is some minimum coaching staff they are required to have.

    If so, this was even more poorly managed than it seems.

    I hope JR comes out with an address stating publically that they could have handled this better, and apologize to Bruce. Can’t imagine who would ever want to work for this organization moving forward.

  9. mezzi07

    17 years of being a Canucks fan and this is the most embarrassed I’ve been of being a fan of this team

  10. DrGrommit


  11. rangers9458

    Who was the idiot that recommended JR? I start with that.

  12. dbainerr

    This shit makes me feel like a loser for being a Canucks fan… I can only imagine how the boys feel about this…

  13. Count3D

    One of the ugliest days in Canucks history.

  14. Radagastdl

    Wild fan here, wishing the best for Boudreau (when we fired him for Evason, the roster was the problem, not Bruce. Then Evason gets Kaprizov the very next season).

    What happens if Vancouver gets Bedard? Losing Horvat but gaining a potential generational talent… would he be enough to make the playoffs? Or are OEL & company’s contracts too much to overcome?

  15. Burgergold

    Sadly I don’t see any rumors of Musk buying the Canucks

  16. joeyandkuma

    hey another thought. Didn’t Rutherford surround himself with this record number of people in his management team from various perspectives and backgrounds and no one had the spine to call out Rutherford for his BS? With the huge management team and payroll and this garbage still happens? where are the deans? where is castongay? where is granato? they have no personal sense of standing up for what’s right either?

  17. cad_internet

    We’re rightfully getting excoriated (more specifically, this clownshow organization is) by the media. The only silver lining to this shitty situation is that the fans have shown themselves better than the shitty owner and management group.

    Most effective form of protest is to not show up to any home games. Embarrass them with an empty arena and hit them in their wallets.

    Worst now is if the team gets a coaching change boost and ends up in the same drafting range as last season.

  18. Only-Nature7410

    Yeo staying?!?!? What?? Why how huh?
    Like what??

    Right when I think I’ve seen it all after 40 years if this team.

  19. lulover88

    I’m done. I won’t spend a cent. That’s it

  20. bogboom

    Wonder how long Tocchet’s contract is for…

  21. Luke-A-Loo

    If anyone needed an example as to why workplaces give zero notice when laying off employees, this is a good one.

  22. Japandabear1

    Some of you might be too young to remember but this is worse than the Mike Keenan and Messier disaster that happened.

  23. JohnBubbaloo

    Long-time Oilers fan coming in peace.

    And as a long time Oilers fan, please do not take this comment lightly – the Vancouver Canucks’ ownership and front office is an abomination.

  24. DonutCop1967

    Joke front office. I feel bad for you guys. Rutherford is a complete pigeon.

  25. DoughnutTrust

    Ok so thoughts on Foote and Gonchar as assistants? I liked them as players, but I have no idea what their reputation is as coaches.

  26. Feel for BB last night, behind the bench with tears in his eyes as the crowd cheered for him after the game

  27. CrazyBoDevola

    Canucks either didn’t listen to their PR person or need a new PR person

  28. westcoastmetal

    Canucks will win some games and the media and fans will be distracted and the clown show will continue.

  29. Rodlofton53

    Seriously, fuck this team.

    I mean, I’m still gonna buy their jerseys and follow them without question…..

    But seriously, this management needs to be re-evaluated or shot.

  30. Yacht_rock_rudder

    Everybody needs to stop being so reactionary .. this is on aqua who, always thinking he knows best, went on a pin the tail on the donkey style reactionary coaching hunt and hired the guy he blindly stuck his tiny prick onto. Aqua IS the donkey and I’m pinning this on HIM! Rutherford wouldn’t have hired boudreau so his hands are tied, his public protests are mainly about this IMHO. From here on in, though, it’s all on Rutherford.

  31. Thank you Bruce! Fuck this ownership and management group! Shit like this is going to make players not want to play here.

  32. vancouversportsbro

    This feels as low as things did during the Keenan era. Just a disgrace. Owner has no shame

  33. William13975468

    Dumpster fire of an organization. To hell with ‘em.

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