@Flyers de Philadelphie

John Tortorella: Ivan Provorov des Flyers «n’a rien fait de mal» avec le boycott de Pride Night | NY Post Sports

L’entraîneur des Flyers, John Tortorella, a réitéré jeudi son soutien à la décision du défenseur Ivan Provorov de ne pas porter de chandail Pride Night lors des échauffements mardi soir, sautant complètement les échauffements. Provorov, 26 ans, a cité ses croyances orthodoxes russes pour expliquer pourquoi il n’a pas participé. #flyers #ivanprovorov #nhl Abonnez-vous et ne manquez pas toutes les nouvelles clés, les faits saillants et les interviews sur les Yankees, Mets, Giants, Jets, Knicks, Nets, Rangers, Devils, Islanders et ce qui bourdonne dans le monde du sport aussi ! Ne manquez pas les dernières nouvelles ici : https://nypost.com/sports/ Suivez The New York Post Sports sur : Twitter – https://twitter.com/nypostsports Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/nypostsports/


  1. Я плохо знаю Библию, поскольку вырос в коммунистической стране, но Гоморру и Содом сожгли за грех.
    Пропаганда греха это тот механизм, благодаря которому грех размножается.
    Если русскую церковь называют ортодоксальной, то американская церковь (вне зависимости от ветви) прогрессивная. Я не понимаю, какая цепочка умозаключений привела к тому, что грех стал оправдыватся и поощряться, а несогласные с этим стали порицаться.
    Может быть притча о Лоте это иносказательное пророчество уничтожения Америки (Содома и Гоморры) Господом?
    Как в такой религиозной (из за океана это кажется так) по сравнению с Россией стране стал так популярен гомосексуализм?

  2. Since when having your own opinion is wrong?

    Always staying with a crowd is wrong because it is just a sheep mentality and our MSM guys are pushing this agenda

  3. After nearly 50 years of being a fan, I stopped watching the NHL a couple years ago due to the growing malignancy of the left. This has given me one brief respite in my growing hatred of what sportsball has become.

  4. Хоть кто то, сказал им нет. У пацана на это хватило духа, в отличие от вас седовласых приспособленцев. А я бы им сказал, я тебя поставлю раком и выебу, но вот перед тобой на колени не встану. Так что одевай чего захочешь, а мне абсолютно по хую до этого. Я люблю только себя, а все остальные пусть построятся в очередь за моей любовью.

  5. The players are paid to be a part of a team to play to their best of ability. They are not paid to put their political beliefs on display. The rising of the division of this nation through the type of sexual orientation a person wishes to be, and is put upon everyone to support this belief or orientation, is not appropriate to bring into the sports arena. The team shouldn't be put into a position to support any of these beliefs. It has become a money making agenda. The Team is their to play their hearts out – not be pulled into this craziness.


    The chutzpah for men to behave in a manner that brings shame to our National Flag is astonishing and I can’t help but wonder why so many people lack an understanding about what the FLAG of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA stands for or if they understand and choose to be disrespectful. The North Dakota Bison Football team just joined the other teams who entitle themselves to offend those who served and are serving our country.

    The professional sports teams are exploiting the National Flag of a Country for a personal agenda and that is where the problem is. Self entitled and arrogant behavior such as kneeling or burning of our flag is an act of disrespect. I no longer watch any sports and I do not think the National Anthem should be played before games when the players do not honor our flag. To use our nations flag to gain personal attention to yourselves is disloyal and not what any honorable man would do.

    The United States flag is not a symbol for any individual personal agenda or any groups agenda! She represents the fact that you are free to have an agenda at all. It is the freedom she provides that allows you to speak out about whatever agenda or cause that you freely choose to support or not. It indicated how callous and unlearned about something that those of us who served our country do not take for granted. I am offended by those who disrespect our flag. I am even more disturbed if somehow, we have not conveyed the purpose or meaning of the flag in our educational institutions or in our homes. I am an American. I am a veteran. The significance of the flag is not something I take lightly. It is a sacred symbol that is treated with utmost respect and honor. She can fly high at times of strength, she can be used to signal distress, and I have a heavy heart when she is lowered to half-mast in deference of those who have lost their life defending her or when a person dies who served her. She deserves to be treated with honor and respect. She is respected and honored at every United States military installation inside our nation as well as our bases and embassies in other countries. When people choose to disrespect the flag of this great nation they disrespect every soldier, every law enforcement officer, every sheriff, fire fighter, border guard, and government agents who put their own lives on the line every day for the good of the nation and others. Every freedom that they enjoy came at a cost that most of the population has not paid. Human life was lost, and that loss made widows of women and children fatherless. For much of our nation’s history women did not serve in combat roles so it is recent that men have been widowers and children left motherless. The freedom that citizens have is because of the brave who chose to serve our country.

    1. Our nation is free only because we continue to defend her.

    2. It is wrong not to express gratitude for those who sacrificed so much for others.

    3. Honoring and respecting the flag is one of the few acts that citizens can do in recognition of those that allow you to have all the freedoms that you enjoy.

    4. It is in honoring our flag that binds us together in unity “all for one & one for all”

    5. Inside your chest where your heart is beating it should resonate, a deep abiding acknowledgement that our freedom was not free!

    6. Respecting our flag is something you do when you are an American citizen of good character.

    7. The sight of the flag of our nation should fill your heart with humility and gratitude and a deep and abiding understanding of what she stands for.

    8. She is standing, she is waving, she is flying for you!

    9. When you honor the flag, you honor every member of every agency protecting your life, liberty, and ability to pursue your dreams at a cost those who are kneeling were not willing to pay.

    It is your free will and free choice to honor other peoples’ dignity. In the process, you’ll strengthen your own.

    Our National Flag represents things that I understand and so I treat her with reverence, dignity, respect, honor, and loyalty and I ask that you try to understand those concepts so that you understand how those that kneel or burn her causes pain in the heart of many.

    It is the right of every American to disrespect our flag but that does NOT make it right or kind to do so as it is offensive and hurtful to those that share her with you. Just because you CAN do something does not mean that you SHOULD.

    The United States Flag is revered, never forgotten, our Flag flies high at every military installation across this great nation. She is the symbol and representation of what our country stands for. We have deep abiding feelings of reverence because of what she stands for. She is raised up and taken down every day at our bases with ceremony and reverence. Faithfully and with great care she is raised in the morning and taken down at dusk as the RETREAT is played. A ceremony is conducted each day to honor her, at every military base.

    Reveille and Retreat Procedures- 2 minutes


    Another Reveille & Retreat- 2.33 minutes


    The Meaning Behind Military Funeral – 2.07 minutes

    The United States Flag plays a vital role.

    The flag is given to the next of kin in honor of the fallen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egStATdeHnY

    Half-mast for Barbara Bush – 20 seconds


    Powerful and moving movie “Taking Chance” we bring our fallen home.

    Trailer- 2.25 https://youtu.be/pvRROcgokUc


    The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag:

    "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

  7. He did nothing wrong freedom of choice nothing should be forced on anybody end of no discussion

  8. A majority of people agree with the player and coach. NO! to the pride flag, NO! to land acknowledgements, NO! to all the divisive Identity Politic BULSHIT in all its forms.

  9. I disagree with Prov….BUT I'M GONNA CHEER FOR HIM and I'll go to my first Philly game ever soon. Why? Because people SHOULD be allowed to disagree. Tired of this intolerance from Gay-Trans-Taliban.

  10. I’m so proud of Torts for backing his player here. Anyone who thinks Provorov did something wrong is completely clueless. I wish people would stop trying to force people to compromise their beliefs because it doesn’t line up with theirs.

  11. This whole thing is ridiculous, great for Torts not kissing woke ass. Anyone else hear EJ Hradeks pseudo tough gut talk about Provorov? What a pile of horseshit! How does Hradek still have a job? He is a lousy analyst and is a smug narcissistic douchebag oh wait, he sucks woke ass. That clown said "well if he doesn't want to assimilate", hey asshole buying into woke, trans, pedo, anti free speech, Anti-American culture is not assimilating is disgusting and is both child abuse and TREASONOUS. What a piece of shit ass clown. I haven't watched a second of any pro sports in almost 3 years and won't be going back and it's because of this WOKE BULLSHIT. I only saw this because the salty cracker was talking about it. Hey Provorov good for you and stand your ground, don't give in or apologize for something that you have NO NEED to EVER apologize for.

  12. How about in a hockey press conference we TALK ABOUT HOCKEY, Those reporters are LOSERS.

  13. People shouldn't turn his jersey into some kind of symbol or statement. We have enough George Floyd t-shirts and MAGA hats and Rainbows and all that. You heard him, the guy doesn't want to make a fuss, he just wants to play. Don't turn his name into a symbol, he didn't ask for that.

  14. Stop! You are heading for the abyss! Maybe at least a Russian guy will open your eyes???

  15. If they only cared about starving kids around the world as much as they do about the lgbtq agenda.

  16. Sid Seixeiro lost it on breakfast television in Canada what a loser he is

  17. It is surprising that in a country that prided itself on freedom of speech, which was a stronghold of democracy in the New World, people are afraid to share their beliefs. Unity of opinion is totalitarianism. Under the pretext of freedom, the left has led the US to totalitarianism, now the most common honest statement is admired.

    Now I would like to appeal to those who say that this action was about respect for LGBT people.

    Homosexual or heterosexual or any other orientation cannot be a reason for respect or disrespect for a person.

    We can respect or not respect a person, evaluating his deeds and achievements. You need to respect people, their opinions, these opinions can be different.

    When a person cannot refuse to wear a T-shirt because he is afraid of public condemnation, this is called coercion, and this is a sign of a totalitarian state.

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