@Sabres de Buffalo

[Hockey Psychology] Le hockey a BESOIN de plus d’entraîneurs comme celui-ci…

[Hockey Psychology] Le hockey a BESOIN de plus d’entraîneurs comme celui-ci…



  1. Spiritual_Bourbon

    The best line I read was Granato saying the best way to coach Tage is to forget he is 6′ 6″.

  2. SamHinkieKnew

    Thompson never played for Bylsma…

    Outside of that, good video.

  3. Granato seems to do a good job connecting with the players individually and understanding how everyone can improve. It’s really clear he has a lot of background in prospect development.

  4. monk_a_launcher

    Tage work ethic, Granto’s belief and Eichel leaving are why he is an all star.. in that order

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