@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Je veux dire, putain de MERDE, quelle sauvegarde de Korpisalo … mérite son propre fil.

Je veux dire, putain de MERDE, quelle sauvegarde de Korpisalo … mérite son propre fil.



  1. tacotr3s

    I will be so crushed if we trade him away, but it’s hard to see a scenario where we don’t once you consider that Elvis contract

  2. iProcrastinate-Air

    I could watch this on replay the whole day. holy moly

  3. AdAstraAtreyu

    The puck was shot right into his glove. There’s about an inch-and-a-half of reaction distance there. As a hockey fan, you’ve surely seen better saves? This feels a bit like grasping at straws to make yet another shitty Blue Jackets season better. Downvote me, but you know it’s true.

  4. Yes yes. Keep making saves my great trade value you. Keep making saves! I know doesn’t feel good but this is our reality. Better he plays the better return. We will not resign him, he isn’t playing for another contract here. I know. I love Korpi too.

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