@Flames de Calgary

Gaudreau tir de pénalité en retour à Calgary!

L’ancien Flame et actuel Blue Jacket Johnny Gaudreau est entravé et tire un tir de pénalité, affrontant Dan Vladar et son ancienne équipe à 1 contre 1


  1. No young man should have to waste the prime years of his life in the Canadian hinterland.

  2. 25 years ago there was no way they would call that a penalty shot.

  3. Penalty shot rule in hockey is lame as hell. Should be shooter starts from center ice. Everyone else behind the opposite blue line. Shooter can start whenever he wants. The clock restarts and everyone else can cross the blue line when he first touches the puck. If he scores, he scores. If he misses, play continues on. And any player that was on the ice at the time of the penalty shot call can take the penalty shot, not necessarily the one that was fouled.

  4. Well deserved boos. It's mind boggling how a professional athlete will abandon a great winning team, as they are hard to come by. But clearly some people care more about the whines and groans of their pampered family than being part of something special

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