@Red Wings de Détroit

Discussion générale quotidienne (28/01/2023)

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  1. xenonwarrior666

    If anyone cares, Griffins play tonight. The AHL TV app is fairly cheap. You can pay by the game for 8 bucks. Can’t even buy a movie ticket that cheap these days

  2. Fluid-Pension-7151

    The team was tired last night and we might have lost regardless, but sending the previously effective lines from the Montreal game into the blender to include Bert on the top line didn’t feel like it helped our cause. Barring injuries or other reasons, I wish we would have scratched Sunny and subbed Bert, leaving everything else the same. The Montreal game felt like the first game in weeks where we had a legitimate offensive chemistry working on multiple lines.

  3. RedWong15

    Cossa with a great game last night! .946 in a 3-2 win!

  4. ts1234666

    I was at a party last night. We played spin the bottle. It was me and 8 beautiful supermodels. I’m not sure how I ended up at the party but that doesn’t matter. Needless to say: I was nervous.

    The first girl spun the bottle. It landed on another of the models. They frenched. It was passionate and deliberate. The bottle passed over to the most beautiful one in the circle. Her eyes burning with passion staring into mine. She spun it. It spun and spun and spun. It was slowing down and landed on… Me.

    She crawls over to me smiling; those beautiful green eyes still locked onto mine. I can see her cleavage. Her auburn hair falls over her face. She brushes it aside as she leaned in towards me. She smiles, bites her lower lip and grabs my waist.

    I did what any man would do in this situation. I abruptly stand up and yell « I love Kay Seider. » I take the bottle, smash a window open with it and jump out three stories to the ground. As I race down the street, blood pouring from my skull, I smile. I smile knowing I’m chasing the only person I care for. That person is Kay Seider.

  5. BellsBeerBestBeer

    Why does it feel like the Wings always get shut out the game immediately before or after a long break

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