@Oilers d'Edmonton

Au lieu de faire des messages séparés, je vais simplement tout combiner dans un petit tour d’horizon des activités des Oilers. Dimanche, un groupe d’entre eux est allé pêcher sur la glace et aujourd’hui, l’équipe *bonk* + Foegle est allée au Stollery pour soutenir le Corus Radiothon!

Au lieu de faire des messages séparés, je vais simplement tout combiner dans un petit tour d’horizon des activités des Oilers. Dimanche, un groupe d’entre eux est allé pêcher sur la glace et aujourd’hui, l’équipe *bonk* + Foegle est allée au Stollery pour soutenir le Corus Radiothon!



  1. Excellent-Medicine29

    Also here’s Klims post practice interview today, where he talks about being high sticked by Mcdavid, he doesn’t like losing, and the flames jersey incident from yesterday. https://youtu.be/D3XU24mkuBE

  2. SirPotterOfHogwarts

    Nice of Old Man Bouch to bring his small child.

  3. EhThereAnyways

    This is alllmost an ad for canada goose. Hehe. I’m probably in the low percentage of folks who want to keep Pulju…That smile. Sometimes all we need is a smile, and god damnit, that guy has one of the best! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Excellent-Medicine29

    Does anyone know who the rest of the guys in the first photo are?

  5. thewinterzodiac

    I love that mcdavid is out with people beyond nurse and drai. Makes me feel things.

    Also shows that the locker room doesn’t like Jesse crowd wrong.

  6. ConsistentAd9217

    They were actually there for an unrelated charity event sponsored by a local car dealer – the Corus Radiothon was just a coincidence!

  7. DrunkenLupus

    I just can’t express with words how much I love Jesse, that smile, that damn smile.

  8. JSnats65

    Not judging cause I do it all the time when I go ice fishing, but it’s interesting they left the open beers in the background of the photo. Because that’s like very illegal and F&W give out tickets for that all the time

  9. PapaAsmodeus

    Klim and his fish is always such a priceless image.

  10. John__47

    what was the temperature ice fishing

  11. Infinite-Benefit-588

    Too bad Stu couldn’t meet the moustache man

  12. StopLyingBr0

    Love this team man. The bond is insane. Wish these guys can win the cup this year so we can forever be linked to the max.

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