@Canucks de Vancouver

Le directeur général des Canucks, Patrik Allvin, parle des perspectives d’échéance commerciale des Canucks de Vancouver et de la fermeture d’Ilya Mikheyev

Regardez le directeur général des Canucks, Patrik Allvin, parler des perspectives de la date limite commerciale des Canucks de Vancouver et de la fermeture d’Ilya Mikheyev Abonnez-vous à la chaîne sportive principale de Fanatics View ici : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy31smm3GNCgbSgYm9hb41Q?sub_confirmation=1 https://www.youtube.com/fanaticsvieworiginals Vous pouvez également vous abonner aux autres chaînes sportives de Fanatics View ici Basketball Chaîne : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChYA8XpBfYwSIDGp6p70Wag Boxing & MMA Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClMSjEKmxTNrA-LYrU_RtRg 4th & Inches – NFL & College Football Channel : https://www .youtube.com/channel/UCtpm2KGfgIjk_jwjmBhB2Tw Chaîne de baseball : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7tk0cTJsg3c9vzwEDzZ6Qw Chaîne de hockey : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoby8PXM_ZnMOWolmcXrXrg #Canucks #VancouverCanucks #NHL Dallas Stars Playlist : https:// www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fnMDDkKGRPqi3X1DluA0t0a Liste de lecture des Canadiens de Montréal : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fnQDCvsJv9Ckp6bhGPtawka Liste de lecture des Maple Leafs de Toronto : https://www.youtube.com/playlist ?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fmoakCWhF8eUxt9GU8lpqnv Liste de lecture Lightning de Tampa Bay : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fkAA9IonFbOvruKwgI9bszj Liste de lecture des Islanders de New York : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fmuQXBcT37ClNuHjDY Liste de lecture de l’Avalanche du Colorado : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fkYv98vPNbQrrlFHRwNaGBk Liste de lecture des Sénateurs d’Ottawa : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fkr-wVsqHtqEwr5vcAz9wNQ Liste de lecture des Canucks de Vancouver : https : //www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6flYG1JSCOSIS1GS2PSXk7_Q Liste de lecture des entrevues de la LNH : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fnhQGNh_H8NCx5gGfyPCuvP Liste de lecture du repêchage de la LNH : https://www.youtube.com/ playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fl7e9Ih6YTjuxcUIHT5-_-v Fanatics Voir l’intervie exclusive ws Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHc0RXS2jamlfv_B5J76s1syrJOt2cw3c Fanatics View est accrédité et reconnu par toutes les ligues sportives majeures, y compris la NBA, la NFL, la MLB, la LNH et le sport de la boxe. Fanatics View produit du contenu original depuis 2016 et est l’une des start-ups de médias sportifs les plus accomplies de l’histoire moderne, spécialisée dans le contenu vidéo sportif exclusif. Fanatics View a son siège social à Dallas, au Texas, et est détenu et exploité de manière indépendante. Vous voulez aider Fanatics View à grandir ? Faites un don à notre entreprise directement sur CashApp $FanaticsView Visitez-nous sur http://fanaticsview.com/ pour des vidéos sportives quotidiennes et suivez-nous sur Facebook, Twitter et IG https://www.facebook.com/fanaticsview https://www. twitter.com/fanaticsview https://www.instagram.com/fanaticsview


  1. Hey look it's the guy who admitted he didn't get the deals done in the summer. Why does he still have a job?

  2. "Incompetent GM fails his team and then fires their coach" a more accurate title for this video

  3. This guy is awful at meeting the media. Mumbles and fumbles his way through all the pressers. Can we get a proper communicator.

  4. This is what happens when you have way too many hockey gamesWater down NHL we rather watch the 70s and 80s reruns.It’s at least on cherries on there

  5. Did I just hear this idiot correctly. Did he just say it isn’t about wins and losses rite now. Unbelievable. One incompetent moron after the other running my team since Quinn.

  6. Any truth to the rumor that Bettman wants to see Mikheyev's medical records. Tanking, perhaps??

  7. this guy is one of the worst GMs in hockey. no sense of hockey IQ. Fires the coach thinking it'll change things lol.

  8. It's blatantly obvious they were pumping Mikheyev with pain killers until they realized the playoffs were a pipe dream so now they shut him down. The question didn't even need to be asked. So far I am not impressed with Rutherford or Allvin.

  9. Tocchet is right this team is soft and other teams just pin their ears back and attack the Canucks defense—this has them out of position repeatedly and the goalies getting burned by cross ice passes or screened/deflected shots—back checking is pathetic in some games—total lack of team structure sums it up

  10. Keep it up Canuck’s GM. Other western conference NHL teams wish to be patient while the Canucks team struggles & don’t change out their executives.

  11. bo and miller need to go. That changes the dynamic of the team. We get cap space and probably alot of great assets. its the only way forward for this team. We cant stay doormats forever.

  12. Two points – wonder if the Tanner Pearson injury influenced this decision. Second, with all the money the canucks spend, have they thought of hiring a speech/presentation coach to help coaches and management improve their communcation and delivery? Aahhhh, uhhhhmmm, you know,, yaaaa, gets to be somewhat dull.

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