@Rangers de New York

Glenn aime les Rangers

Glenn aime les Rangers



  1. ShouniAishaKuma

    Only 4?! Rookie numbers 😎

    Jokes aside – I swear game days have like 6-8 hours worrying about line blenders and bad coaching decisions.

    Then the games start and my brain shuts up and just watches.

  2. Tommybrady20

    4 hours?

    Those are rookie numbers in this bracket

  3. Poppascotch

    I love this and I hate you for pointing out.

  4. thieflikeme

    Man, you can’t just be calling out dudes who’ve decided it’s better to complain and bitch about the team as if you know what the fuck you’re talking about, otherwise people will call you a dimwit for wanting to suck Gallant’s dick because you don’t want to see him get beaten with a bag of Diet Cokes in broad daylight.

    It starts with toxic fans who chastise other fans online for expressing a shred of apprehension about knowing what happens in practice or the locker room or any degree of positivity…because chronically shitting on something you’re supposed to love isn’t fun for some people (who knew). Then everyone else sees those people get ripped a new asshole and gets shook into being an asshole to everyone else because it’s become the only way they know how to express their fandom without being called an idiot by someone who just needs to go for a walk…instead of taking their life out on a fucking sports team and anyone who wakes up in the morning and decides they want their fandom of a team to be fun, and not just when the team wins or plays your favorite player as much as you want.

    Haven’t you all heard? Fun’s for pussies.

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