@Ligue nationale de hockey

êtes-vous d’accord?

êtes-vous d’accord?



  1. Simoslav

    Hardest, probably…skating while playing field hockey is kind of insane.

    Best…how long have you got. It’s an amazing sport for sure, but I feel the amount of games in a regular season, coupled with the fact that as many as 50% of teams have an « equal » chance of winning after all that, makes it lose its lustre a little bit.

    I say reduce the games and reduce the amount of teams allowed in the playoffs to make the regular season more meaningful. Just the winners of each division and the two best conference runners up for an 8-team playoff.

    It’s kind of dumb that a team ranked 9th in the regular season has the chance to win…I know that’s how you Yanks/Canucks like to do things, but it kind of makes being an elite team pointless if you happen to hit a 2-week bad run of form.

  2. Calling__Elvis

    Winning the Stanley Cup is probably the hardest trophy to win. The playoffs alone require 16 wins and as many as 28 games played. The players come out of the playoffs with ice bags applied all over the torso/legs and their skin is blue/black/yellow, some can’t walk w/o the skates on, and everyone has some form of injury. It’s a permanent recovery type of sport.

  3. GhostlyQbe

    Australian rules football is rougher than ice hockey, I do however, much prefer ice hockey (personal preference).

  4. kstacey

    This format is for opinions that you want to be able to debate, not things that are obvious and a fact.

    Like you would use this format if the argument was, « the sky is blue, change my mind »

  5. Soxfan_2

    Baseball is the hardest, without a doubt. Hockey might be a close second though

  6. Fit_Use9941

    Overall I like football more but playoff hockey is peak sports

  7. Beachcomber365

    You have to define your terms bro! Best hoe? « Hardest »? Like… what? Like sure the puck is harder than say a basketball!

  8. neometrix77

    There’s plenty of metrics you could use to define the hardest sport.

    If we go by largest player base and therefore the most difficult to rise to the very top.
    Then it’s soccer.

    If we go by the the average time it takes to develop the foundational skills. Then Hockey has very good case for itself.

    If we go by the most physically demanding. Then I’d argue Aussie rules football because it combines the endless endurance of soccer with the hard hitting of nfl/rugby.

    If we go by fastest paced and hardest to develop adequate reaction time to. Then I’d say hockey again.

  9. Most difficult overall, yes. The hardest thing to do in the sports world however is hitting a baseball.

  10. swingtradelot

    No. Every sport is unique in its own way. This debate is fucking stupid. Stop.

  11. United-Act-3889

    Skateboarding is harder. But hockey is the best.

  12. JohnnyTreeTrunks

    Hardest sport to watch your team play

  13. SpaghettiOsPolicy

    I love hockey, but not the NHL

  14. binghamtons1998

    Hardest to play pro is NBA…need to be naturally gifted height, athleticism, and still be good enough at the sport

  15. stuplexer_

    This is a pretty bold opinion to be putting on a hockey subreddit.

  16. billsmafia_1716

    Boxing . You don’t play boxing

  17. andrewdoesit

    I’m biased towards motocross/supercross, but hockey is my #2. Physicality, hand eye coordination, stamina and the ability to get that burst of energy, it’s tough.

  18. scopeless

    I would argue the hardest part.

    Half of fame baseball players only get a hit 1/3 times.

  19. Lipstick-Hockeystick

    Every sport requires a very extensive degree of effort in my opinion. I don’t think hockey necessarily trumps other sports in difficulty, but I will watch hockey before I watch anything else.

  20. -vanking023-

    I was waiting for the bi-monthly « please like my sport » post

  21. jpatt05

    There’s no gliding on a soccer field. They’re all hard in their own ways, except baseball. Soccer requires insane stamina, as does rugby. I’ve been Injured in rugby and soccer as much as I’ve been injured in hockey. I’ve played all at at least a « AA » level. Personally, I think soccer might take it as the « hardest sport » imo.

  22. Fine-Guest-2165

    I’ve never seen a hockey player in a buried alive or hell in a cell match, so no. Wrestling is the hardest sport

  23. mcburke42

    *posts this in the NHL sub*

    Daaaaring today, aren’t we?

  24. You ever see that Asian bean bag volleyball sport? That sport looks ridiculously hard to learn.

  25. Ice_IX__

    How brave of you to post this in r/nhl lol

    You’re going to just get a circlejerk with maybe a little pushback

  26. jhick107

    As an Australian who got introduced to Ice Hockey via 80’s video games and a long visit to Sweden in the early 2000’s I concur. In Australia we have unique, fast, physical, and at times violent sports but I will switch any channel and put off any house chore to watch NHL – mainly the Rangers – but cable televised NHL happens only through ESPN on Foxtel here. I still scratch my head at some rules and struggle to keep my eyes on on the puck on my punny 60” TV, but I fucking love the game. One day my daughter and I will make it to MSG to see a game even if I have to take out a second mortgage…..well that’s my 2 cents worth from a long long way away. Cheers.

  27. Flex1855

    I agree I played a lot of sports growing up nothing was harder then trying not to get killed by 250 pound dmen while balancing on ice much less actually doing anything with skill

  28. theskinswin

    Just skating alone at an elite level is enough.

    Not to mention stick handling boarding hitting passing shooting coordinated skating with other players.

  29. 4schwifty20

    Hardest of the 4 major US pro sports? Possibly. But not hardest in the world.

    And as for best. It’s pretty subjective to what each individual sports fan likes.

  30. CoopaClown

    I love hockey and it’s rough, but water polo looks like a nightmare.

  31. Woodrovski

    Nope. Love hockey but all sports are hard to master and the best is football. Otherwise known as ⚽️

  32. i find some of the fans are pretty big pussies in r/hockey

  33. mac4112

    This is such a dumb post, especially in a sub dedicated to one of many sports we all love, i’m sure.

    Goes back to the old saying of don’t judge a fish’s ability to climb a tree.

    I sincerely doubt a single player in the NHL can handle a 2 ton machine at 200+mph at Daytona, or a Baseball player can tackle a full sized running back moving at full speed in the NFL.

    They’re all difficult and different and require a specialized skillset in their respective fields.

    The only comparison I think is probably valid are the hits. Especially with the changes in NFL the last decade or so, I would say a *legal* hit in the NHL is probably on par if not worse than a *legal* hit in the NFL.

    But that’s not an indication of which is better or or “more difficult”, they’re both full contact sports, even arguably combat sports but with extra steps.

    This kinda stuff really bugs me. 0/10 post.

  34. kneegrow69420699

    You can’t compare hardest as a category because each sport is unique. If you were comparing similiar sports, however, like tennis and badminton, then you have a more arguable case because of how similiar they are too one another. However, if we’re talking best, just in terms of my own favouritism then yes I’d say hockey, but it’s about the definition of best that you are asking for.

  35. seanachies

    I grew up playing hockey and in my 20’s I started to play rugby too. Both equally tough IMO

  36. WatcherOfGaedNua

    Wrestling is the hardest sport

  37. korkkis

    Not the hardest, not the most difficult, most entertaining … perhaps but not every night.

  38. dookie-cannon

    I feel like an NBA player could’ve learned to skate at a young age and some might have made it pro. Almost 0 NHL players can dunk. That’s all I’m saying.

  39. kermitthefrog57

    Why is this getting upvoted? This is so low effort

  40. This is the dumbest post in the world

  41. SusanMcDangles

    Hockey is one of the easiest sports I’ve ever played. I would say hitting a 100 mph fastball is way harder than anything hockey has to offer. Just one example.

  42. Gloriosa86

    Golf = simply because weather is such a factor
    And best because how old you can play till

    Only sport that attracts athletes from all sports and will embarrass mvp qbs ,hall of fame baseball players and hockey all stars

    Hockey is a close second 😊

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