@Ligue nationale de hockey

Coup massif de Jacob Trouba

Coup massif de Jacob Trouba



  1. LeeAnnLongsocks

    That was his second of the game. Both clean. Trouba’s a beast.

  2. TheCivilRanger

    Did Dube actually think he’d make something happen? Lol

  3. Wise_Satisfaction742

    Such a gnarly hit! Loved the fact it was clean as well which is impressive!

  4. SteakMan43

    Amazing hit, Kadri gotta keep his head up

  5. 0bl1v10n204

    Fucking beautiful and spectacular hit. Old school hockey at its’ finest. Stay out of the trolley tracks, boys!

  6. RunWithDullScissors

    Two flames extinguished in less than a minute lol

  7. Ordinary-Cucumber-25

    Your -forward- has been deleted 👍

  8. All_Day_Coffee

    Does every big hit have to end in a fight nowadays?

  9. Penguin447918

    That’s 2 solid hits by Trouba tonight that have led into fights. I get wanting to stand up for your guy, but Calgary got penalties both times for instigating the fight

  10. Jigs444

    The NHL needs to start calling instigators EVERY TIME on these situations. Guys having to fight after every big, clean hit is so fucking lame.

  11. Stetzy93

    Sure would be cool if a hit could be thrown and not have fight after…

  12. According_Arm8384

    Wow…. Biggest hit I’ve seen this season

  13. NoMoreClaw3464

    Kadri doesn’t like the taste of his own medicine, eh?

  14. headofdough

    Pretty clean, not much to bitch about.

  15. Coheed1224

    Definitely not a fan of Trouba for when he does cross the line but nothing wrong with that one, beauty of a hit. Keep your head up man

  16. goldencityjerusalem

    Back in the day there was a hard hitting skinny guy named Vishnevsky. It was unnatural how hard he hit.

  17. thezodiacbiller

    Best hit I’ve seen in a long time. Love Naz, but can’t deny it.

  18. dantanman11

    Dube? WTH were you thinking? Two flames roasted on one play. Hahaha

  19. yemx0351

    If you are going to go instigate a fight on a clean hit, at least try fight and not get rag dolled.

    Shit was hilarious.

  20. vbcbandr

    Thankfully Kadri saw it coming at the last moment…otherwise he would have been KO’d and his head would have hit the ice. Players need to tighten the strap on their helmets.

  21. lykes_2_fly

    Never a fan of Kadri’s game but credit him for getting right back up.

  22. kingchonger

    I could watch that delicious shit all day

  23. sheldonOrange

    this game really punctuated how Lucic does nothing.

  24. goodbye9hello10

    Fucking hell man, imagine if they regularly called instigator penalties like this when Kronwall played. You never see these types of hits anymore and it’s sad, but oh so spectacular when they happen.

  25. IHateDailyStandup

    After watching an AFC Championship game be decided by a light push of the QB out of bounds, I think I might switch to hockey

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