@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Spittin Chiclets Ep 427 – L’interview de Rod commence à 47:37

Très intéressant d’entendre qu’il a passé une entrevue pour un autre emploi au HC de la LNH alors qu’il était assistant ici. Je ne l’ai jamais entendu mentionner cela avant. Dommage qu’il n’ait pas dit avec qui c’était.



  1. He also made a trade sound more likely than not.

  2. ForrestTrain

    Idk if this is just how Rod is, but I’m surprised at how buttoned up the interview was. The guys didn’t really talk over Rod at all and just let him speak. It was nice.

  3. The_Reddit_Browser

    Best Rod interview maybe ever.

    He really let loose some stories and personal feelings when he got moved from Philly.

  4. RallyPigeon

    Very fun interview. Every time Rod cursed I could hear the goal horn going off in my head lol

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