@Ligue nationale de hockey

euh, quoi ?

euh, quoi ?



  1. Gibbo1988

    Not gonna get my hopes up until it’s official….

  2. almostthere69420

    I hope so. Last thing I want is him or Kane on the oilers. So hurry up somebody and sign Kane before Ken gets a stupid idea

  3. Mean__Jerk__Time

    Yeah, I’m not going to take « Aaron » at his word here.

  4. Kingzton28

    The evidence would be the trade is announced.

  5. onemoretryfriend

    Not this annoying nonsense again.

  6. Scamnam

    Oh fuck is this the stupid Hockeyyyinsidderr guy from a few years back?

  7. SomethinboutChickens

    I expect nothing less from someone who would pass on McDavid to believe a post from a nobody source lmao

  8. kadran2262

    Is evidence is him taking Arizona out of his bio and him following a bunch of leafs.. thats some flimsy evidence at best

  9. HotNoize

    Based on latest evidence. What’s the latest evidence? Oh you know…. Evidence

  10. enemy_of_anemonies

    The latest evidence as of Feb. 5? He scored 2 against us last night for the coyotes, which as far as I know was Feb. 6

  11. TexasYankee212

    It’s not like a investigation has to be done. Either he was or wasn’t traded. They will announce the trade shortly or deny it ever happened.

  12. youkmowwhatyouarefor

    McDavid was traded to the Leafs along with Draisaitl for a bag of pucks. Waiting confirmation

  13. Hiph0p0p0tamusttv

    We all know Dubas is done as GM if Leafs don’t do damage ***this*** post season. May as well empty the cupboards Duby

  14. Grand_Chief_Mathieu

    The evidence is him liking Leafs players on Instagram lmao

  15. ABoyNamedSault

    Well, that settles it. Aaron knows.

  16. ogfuelbone12

    He followed a bunch of Leafs on social media and took the Yotes out of his bio. Where there’s smoke there’s usually fire but it’s camping szn baybeee

  17. Scumdog66

    “Bruh…. (*takes super long toke*) you wanna know what I heard??”

    – Aaron

  18. nude-rater-in-chief

    Weird, I saw the exact same headline featuring the words “Oilers” and “William”

  19. MedicSBK

    You done messed up this time A A ron.

  20. Peckerhead321

    If this is as Erin then I would believe it but not when it’s from Aaron

  21. dudius7

    This reminds me of all those bullshit articles you’d see I’m the Google Chrome recommendations that said « another round of stimulus is coming, find out if you qualify ». If you simply read regular news, you know the headline is clickbait.

  22. BillMcCrearysStache

    If its not at least an (e4) or an (e5) I dont believe it

  23. trevlarrr

    That “evidence” being that he removed Arizona from his social media bio and followed Matthews and Marner on Instagram… hmmmm not sure that qualifies as a legitimate source but we’ll see

  24. KJMoons

    Dubas is so hush-hush you don’t even get to know what the roster is anymore E5

  25. CIA_official_

    extremely credible, idk what u numbnuts are on

  26. freegrapes

    I bet he has been traded to the leafs. Why would he remove Arizona from his bio and follow a bunch of dusters on the same day

  27. minos157

    Ah so tomorrow it’ll be announced that he’s an Islander.

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