@Avalanche du Colorado

Un entraîneur-chef actuel aurait-il une chance de s’affronter avec Bednar? Peut-être Bérubé ou Tocchet ? Mes $ seraient sur Bedsy. Pensées?

Un entraîneur-chef actuel aurait-il une chance de s’affronter avec Bednar? Peut-être Bérubé ou Tocchet ? Mes $ seraient sur Bedsy. Pensées?



  1. Kosherporkchops

    I wouldn’t want a fight with Rod “the Bod”.

    I think Sutter would smack the shit out of you like grandpa after you took his car out joyriding

  2. OldDogNewSkate

    This is peak August content right here haha

  3. QuickUp14

    Mike Sullivan because he definitely is one of a gang of henchmen, likely seasoned from trying to kill James Bond.

  4. DomDomDom18

    Are we talking right now or in their prime? If it’s the latter, Tocchet is the only coach that may have a chance against Berube

  5. Rarecandy31

    Not anymore since Boudreau got fired.

  6. allkindsofgainzzz

    Not sure but there ain’t another god damn coach that even comes close in the handsome department.

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