@Flames de Calgary

Les Flames doivent faire de Vladar leur homme principal après le dernier revers de Markstrom

Les Flames doivent faire de Vladar leur homme principal après le dernier revers de Markstrom



  1. CaptinDerpI

    Even a shooter tutor would be better than him right now

  2. Simply put, the team plays better in front of Vladar than Markstrom. Yeah, they had a decent 56 minute game last night but that doesn’t cut it in this league.

  3. super6646

    This should’ve been the case in December when we could still afford to piss away pts. As usual the team drags things out and shoots themselves in the foot:

  4. josh-duggar

    How about we test the great experiment and put Dustin Wolf in there. He’s got to be at least as good as Markstrom if not better?

  5. Live-Yogurt-6380

    He fell down to the side of the net last game…seriously, this man needs a neurological work up. He might be in trouble…

  6. Top-Pea6511

    I think the team is holding their breath when Markstrom is in net, just waiting for that bad goal. Either happens first 5 minutes or last 5 minutes. He just never recovered from the playoff loss to the Oliers. Even though they won game 1, it shouldn’t have been close. Gave the Oilers hope. Now he stops the ones he shouldn’t and lets in the ones he shouldn’t. Just like a pitcher in bsseball, once confidence is shot they’re in trouble.

  7. cormstorm123

    Why is he always scrunching up to make himself look as small as possible?

  8. Theboofgoof

    It can’t hurt to give Vladar more starts but expecting some magical turnaround with him in net isn’t realistic imo.

    This team just cannot score enough goals to be competitive. Starting Vladar will make the team better no doubt, but this isn’t a great team that’s being held back by Markstrom, I’d expected the goal tending to stabilize under Dan but I doubt the team record or performance will improve significantly

  9. Neckshot

    Yeah Vladar is the obvious choice at this point. I totally get putting Markstrom in after the all-star break but he hasn’t looked good. Even in his one win he let in 2 goals on 3 shots. He may bounce back next year but he should be done for the regular season/playoffs unless Vladar completely shits the bed.

  10. I think there is something to be said for “how” and “when” the goals go in, so although Markstrom and Vladar have similar numbers, the “how” and “when” of the goals against Vladar don’t seem to come at the most deflating momentum changing times (like the 1st or 2nd shot of the game, putting you instantly behind and changing your whole mentality for the rest of the game only a couple of minutes in). Is it just bad luck, or bad preparation?

  11. hesperidisabitch

    Vladar definitely needs to start. But we also have to then accept we are fucked as we don’t have a legit starting goalie to be competitive.

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