@Avalanche du Colorado

Fil de discussion du jeu Avs VS Bolts, édition de la vie de la Saint-Valentin (19h00 MST)

Équipe de présentation du #jeu | 1er | 2e | 3e | OT | Finale :—–:|:—–:|:—–:|:—–:|:—-:|:——:
[COL](/r/Coloradoavalanche) /r/coloradoavalanche | – | – | – | – | –
[TBL](/r/TampaBayLightning) /r/tampabaylightning | – | – | – | – | – ***** #Faits saillants ####1er : – [1 – 0 COL](https://v.redd.it/wbt12obus9ia1) ####2nd :- [2 – 0 COL](https://v.redd.it/irvfhn4zr9ia1) – [2 – 1 COL](https://v.redd.it/aciqd28eu9ia1) ####3rd :- [2 – 2 Tie](https://old.reddit.com/user/Rudo3/comments/112owk1/4/) – [3 – 2 COL](https://v.redd.it/k8wok9pk0aia1) – [3 – 3 Tie](https://v.redd.it/t13g172f1aia1) ####Autre : – ***** ^^Bien que les ^^récompenses ^^Reddit ^^sont ^^appréciées, ^^envisagez de vous abonner ^^à ^^ le ^^[DNVRYouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8aOXvlqQqMlTFvbbAarD-A) ^^chaîne ^^ou ^^achat ^^un ^^abonnement ^^à ^^[TheDNVR](https://thednvr.com)



  1. Jaynator11

    « Zach Bogosian, a one-time Atlanta Trasher » what a god damn random mention from Moser 😂

  2. Knurling_Turtle

    Pretty incredible last 5min of regulation.

  3. DomDomDom18

    Love Kucherov looking for a call there

  4. blasterman5000

    I’m gonna take that one point and call it a success given the state of our d pairings

  5. Dan_Rogla

    Great couple of minutes.


  6. andycumbee19

    I dont expect to get a call this late… But wasnt that interference on Bogo?

  7. TheKrustyTowers

    Are these the two fastest teams in the league? Sheesh the excitement lol. Flyers fan here, both the Avs and Bolts are flying around the ice

  8. Glove_Upset

    More hockey! Happy for a point, but this back to back is going to be extra rough.

  9. morallyobjected

    I mean if a game is gonna go to OT, better this one than tomorrow

  10. PatricksPub

    Man fuck them refs. They have missed at least 4 obvious penalties. But at least they got the one questionable makeup call so that puts them back to 100% scoring in their minds.

  11. cricktlaxwolvesbandy

    ABOVE THE WILD! (Tied)

    Happy we got a point. Now win tomorrows game, but a W here would be the icing on the cake

  12. Dan_Rogla

    Count the point though.

    Now give us the other one!

  13. Whatever happens next, the Avs have already greatly exceeded my expectations. Awesome game. Now let’s grab two points in OT!

  14. TantuG24

    Am happy if we get a point tonight. Boys are battling so much.

  15. philbert247

    Late night and I should’ve gone to bed hours ago? Guaranteed OT.

  16. fakingmysuicide

    Vasy is insane but Georgie is matching him tonight.

  17. Mother_Republic_6061

    Quick! Someone tie Vasy’s skates together!

  18. Wicked_Grizzly

    Someone should tell Ryker there’s only 1 K in Vasy’s name lol

  19. ZweiBaer

    I just learned this like last night thought I’d share since it’s OT

    Did you know if you pull the goaltender in OT for an extra skater and get scored on, then you sacrifice your point?

  20. XTailsX

    Mack with the shitty floss followed by shitty D combo…

  21. Wicked_Grizzly

    Lowkey shocked they didn’t call Ranty for something on that hit

  22. MalfoysDraco

    Apple turnovers all over the ice

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