@Red Wings de Détroit

Discussion générale quotidienne (17/02/2023)

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  1. looseknives

    In honor of his re-signing:

    Spell Olli Määttä’s name right challenge (impossible)

    Seriously though, it made me laugh when Bally ran a banner announcing his new contract during the game last night and spelled his name wrong every time.

  2. Smokes_LetsGo_

    The Wings have the 8th-best points percentage in the East and are on pace for 91 points. Common thinking is that you need 95-100 points to make the playoffs, but I found some post-realignment examples that give me hope we could squeak in with a lower point total. These teams all made the playoffs with less than 95 points.

    18-19 Vegas 93 points, Colorado 90 points

    16-17 Nashville and Calgary 94 points

    15-16 Detroit 93 points, Minnesota 87 points

    13-14 Detroit and Columbus 93 points, Dallas 91 points

  3. DayTwahWings9

    I want playoffs even if boston comes into our house and makes love to us and never calls us again

    At some point team needs to start getting some big hockey games under their belt. You cant continue the tank mentality before it just creates a losing culture

    Please make playoffs and find a way to sneak 1 win for a touch of confidence saying you lost in 5games to boston rather than swept

  4. ervelee

    Wings are young. Up and down stretches. Upside is undeniable. This team had a large influx of new players and returning from injuries players. Continuity takes time. Wings are one of the hottest teams in the NHL. This is fun.

  5. anonymousetrapps

    All the people coming out of the woodwork now wanting to re-sign Bert… And then saying something like just give him a reasonable 2 year deal.

    I love Bert, and I would love to re-sign him. There is no chance in hell he’s going to resign on a « reasonable » short-term deal. Dude has been chiseling away on short-term deals all the way to free agency for what? So he can get a low balled?

    Even if he was going to eventually take a(nother) short prove it deal, why wouldn’t he take that deal to the market? He will without a doubt get a better prove it deal in FA. Also, a prove it deal at this stage of his career, should have a larger price tag… Not a smaller one. If you want to throw eight or nine million at him for one year you might have a shot. But he’s not going to go for four or five on a one-year deal.

    I am pretty fearful of a step back this team will take at the deadline or next season without Bert. Thankfully it looks like Kasper is built from the same mold, but I doubt he’ll play on Larkin’s line, so we’ll need to find someone else to keep prime larkin unlocked.

  6. FlynnLive5

    My hockey jersey purchasing/collection has gotten out of control. My poor wife. Purchases from the last 2 months include: Kraken/Eberle, Blasty Flames, autographed Konstantinov, Larkin RR Wings from this year, a blank Wings road jersey for customizing later, North Stars, and a Blues/Tarasenko.

    It’s not my fault people gave me so much Christmas and birthday money!! I swore to her after my Kraken jersey came that I was done but the deal I got on the Blues jersey was too good.

    Groceries come and go, jerseys last forever.

  7. TheNation55

    Man, I really want to buy a Ras jersey, he’s been my favorite glow-up on this roster since last season.

  8. Blck_Captain_America

    I feel like it’s been so long since the Red Wings beat all the Canadian teams on the Western Canada road trip. I’m hyped #LGRW

  9. Jeez-essFC

    So we have all agreed it is cup or bust this year now right?

  10. YellowShorts

    5 game win streak hype!

    We’ve been getting a lot of goals and not so many shots. I feel like the shooting percentage isn’t sustainable. BUT that’s what happens when you put pucks on net. You get some greasy and sometimes lucky goals (like Seider’s against Edmonton).

    Before, I feel like the team would make too many passes trying to get the perfect shot and end up turning the puck over. Now guys are shooting from different spots at different times and it’s working out

  11. Wheresthesass

    [Well we got Valenti onboard the playoff chase train](https://youtu.be/-vgP9WzgsBs)

    When was the last time he opened the show with a Red Wings topic? When Yzerman was hired?

  12. AmazingSieve

    I can’t get over how impressive that win was last night. It looks like they may have turned a corner but of course time will tell but things are heading in the right direction clearly

  13. needuhlife19

    Wings are 23 goals for and 10 against in their past 5. Not too shabby boys!

  14. Burnt_Your_Toast

    So the Griffins play the Moose this weekend and my boyfriend and I got tickets solely to see Vrana play, thinking he was going to be down there for the rest of the season…. But hey! Still get to see Edvinsson, Soderblom, Ned, and the gang! I’m excited

  15. billyguy1

    Why are so many people dead set on trading Bert? He’s been a quality player that would be a benefit to future seasons wouldn’t he?

  16. coltron57

    GSAX/60 (all situations) per Evolving-Hockey:

    Ned: -1.19

    Husso: .03

    Hellberg: .32

    Shoutout to our large Swede!

  17. CanOfCoors

    God I want warm weather and playoff hockey.

    Nothing better.

  18. whitelightning91

    Just gonna throw it out there; Bert’s effectiveness has a corollary relationship to the length of his hair. Also, someone should inform Hronek that his lip sweater seems to abide by the same follicle principle. Hide the clippers everyone!

  19. The_Wandering_Weiner

    Is Stevie ganna cut the legs of this horse running for a playoff spot & sell? Stay tuned

  20. leafssuck69

    I feel like Lalonde’s a coach where the less skill he has on the roster, the better the record is. Fill the roster with defensive veterans and he’ll go 82-0

  21. ruffvoyaging

    By points percentage we are in the second wild card spot, but as a recent post points out, the schedule for the rest of the season is one of the toughest.

    So cautious optimism I guess? If they keep up the good play it is certainly possible.

  22. AffectionateMrPink

    Make it or not I’m just glad to see the growth of this team this year. We’re definitely on an uptick and Stevie has us headed in the right direction. Go Wings

  23. SeiderFiveThree

    How’s Albin Grewe been? I miss the days of thinking we had a Marchand-lite in the pipeline.

  24. More ice time for Veleno, Berggren and Zadina.

  25. poutinetrough

    I sadly haven’t been able to stay up during the week for these late start games but am always stoked to see we won and awood40 bringing the best highlight videos

  26. Kukabuka__

    Anyone got the stat on the last time the wings have swept the western Canada road trip?? Gotta imagine we are looking at 10+ years. Last night was the first win I have seen in Calgary for a loooong time.

  27. Forgetnk1

    Interesting stat:

    The Red Wings are the only team in the league with two right handed defensemen in the top 32 in defensemen scoring.

    Hronek (13) is only 25, Seider (28) is only 21. All of our top defense prospects are left hand shots.

  28. lets_kill_time

    Hockey is a weird game. Leafs have God level talent on the team but in terms of will and work ethic, they can not match coyotes. That’s why I feel like they will exit again in 1st round. Unless they pick up Bert and give up their 2023 1st rounder.

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