@Blues de Saint-Louis

Les Leafs acquièrent O’Reilly et Acciari des Blues dans le cadre d’un accord à trois équipes

Il y a beaucoup de parties dans ce métier, mais O’Reilly est clairement la plus importante de toutes. Rejoignez cette chaîne pour accéder aux avantages : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_AFyA9FqrZ57bb9QRH77wg/join Commandez des maillots de Ben H Sports tout en économisant 10 % sur les prix eBay indiqués en lui envoyant un e-mail concernant les maillots que vous voyez Annonces. ben.hoogenband@yahoo.ca Dis-lui juste que Shannon t’envoie. Soutenez The Hockey Guy via Patreon https://www.patreon.com/thehockeyguy https://www.facebook.com/youtubehockeyguy/ Instagram: thgshannon TheHockeyGuy.yt@gmail.com Contactez-moi par courrier postal à: The Hockey Guy PO Box 15038 Seven Oaks PO Abbotsford, BC V2S 8P1 Aux États-Unis : Shannon Skanes 1125 Fir Avenue Suite 119 Blaine, WA 98230


  1. Minnesota comes out looking like the janitor who's only there to clean up after the party. Guerin might have taken a puck to the noggin in a recent beer league game. He's usually pretty sharp Your division rival Blues thank you for this one though.

  2. People saying this is an overpayment are clearly just Toronto haters. I know ROR is having a down year but he's only 32 and only 4 years removed from a Conn Smythe Trophy playoff performance. Something tells me he will be energized by this trade and his game will pick up accordingly. He's definitely worth what they paid to get him especially considering they are only on the hook for 25% of his cap hit.

    The Leafs need to be all in this year so the draft picks they gave up are just the cost of being all in. I highly approve of this trade.

  3. Having RoR as a 3rd line center is nuts. His stats don't show it this year, but he is still a very good player. His biggest issue is he's so damn slow.

    Acciari was great in St Louis. He's the type of guy you want and need on your bottom lines. Plays "the right way".

    I don't see why ppl think Tor lost this trade. They are trying to win it all. It may seem like a lot but 3rd rounders usually don't make it to the NHL.

    I'm glad to see the blues actually commit to the rebuild.

  4. Toronto isn't going to win a cup anytime soon. Boston and Tampa is too good my son. You can have prime Sundin on this Leaves' team and you still won't win a cup.

  5. My thoughts are anyone who thinks the Leads can't beat the Lightening has sh1t for brains and doesn't know hockey, they went to OT of game 7 against them with worse goaltending. And it only went to OT because of terrible officiating that helped Tampa.

  6. If Leafs win the CUP, Kyle is a genius. If they don't, well the Leafs just gave up 1st, 2nd, 3rd and a 4th (Round Picks) for 2 rentals. They now have 12 players entering UFA, and 2 Big Guns, Matthews & Nylander entering their final year of their contracts. It is Now or Never.
    The Blues are cleaning house, and accumulating Draft Picks. I call it a win win.

  7. O'Reilly's best days are behind him. If Toronto doesn't make it to the cup finals this year they will have set themselves back for nothing. Quite a gamble. My gut feeling is Toronto won't make it past the 2nd round.

  8. Dubas knows he needs to get Toronto out of the 1st round. He’s doing whatever he can, as his job might depend on it

  9. The Leafs will recoup some pf the those drafts picks once they blow up a portion of their team after their perennial first round loss.

  10. Toronto did better than Vancouver.. and Bo was a much better player right now.

  11. From a leafs fan, thank you for your positivity Shannon, not surprising people are going to show up and shit on anything leaf related, many are fellow leafs fans. I agree it’s a great move and leaving the team virtually untouched in the process is a bonus, I think too many underestimate our prospect pool.

  12. The local sports guy for the wild has been whining about this all night

  13. RO'R may end up top six. He could play center and move Tavares to the wing, or just play wing himself. I see Kerfoot moving, and potentially Engvall.
    The Leafs did not give up anything, Matthews is in his 7th year, and with the way Nylander and Marner are playing, this is their time to go deep in the post season. They needed grit, they got it, they needed center's, they got it…with trades like Kerfoot, the cap space changes, and they can grab a 'D'man.
    They gave up chips in the draft, big deal, they can do other trades, they have a ton of prospects, and not every draft pick pans out.

  14. Biggest pay off O'Reilly knows how to beat Boston in the playoffs

  15. When you say they're going for it do you mean winning the first round? In all seriousness this is cap circumvention and it needs to be addressed somehow. Maybe the max that can be retained total by other teams is 50% or something. Otherwise there is no point to the cap as you can hand out late round picks to a bunch of teams to eat off a whole contract.

  16. I think the argument against the Leafs defeating TB in Round 1 is based on an understandable cynicism after SO many years of disappointments. But last year, the Leafs gave the Lightning considerable trouble – far more than the vaunted Panthers were capable of- and this year, the Buds are a deeper team with more solid goaltending. They will have the tools necessary for the job – it's just a matter of how badly they want to win. Heart and grit are factors at least as important, if not more so, than talent in the playoffs.
    Not worried about O'Reilly's performance this year. He had an underperforming team around him. The question is how well he will gel with his new teammates. Sometimes just loading up with superstars can backfire. And whether he remains after this season is done. He chose Toronto as his go-to destination, so that is a promising sign.
    Well done, Dubas!

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