@Blues de Saint-Louis

Merci, Ryan O’Reilly

Merci, capitaine. Les Blues rendent hommage au capitaine Ryan O’Reilly, qui a été échangé aux Maple Leafs de Toronto le 17 février.


  1. As a Leafs fan, this is awesome to see! Excited to watch him in the blue and white.

  2. It says a lot about the quality of the St. Louis Blues organization, and O'Reilly, to put up a send off video like this. Very classy. We'll really appreciate him playing for the Leafs, just as you did in St. Louis. Congrats on your cup, now it's our turn. Signed, A Happy Leaf Fan.

  3. Gotta say this is the most excited for a trade I've seen so many since I started watching hockey with my Uncle about 8 years ago. Happy to have him come to the Leafs and hope he makes a big impact. Fantastic player and person 💯

  4. As a Leafs fan, I was happy to see you guys win that cup back in 2019. And O'Reilly was a huge part of that.

    I dare not dream that I will ever see the Leafs win the Cup, but I'm super excited for the addition of O'Reilly (and Accari).

  5. Great guy, he was a great Blue!!! He was only here a short time, but he will be a Blues HOFer!!! Thank you for everything Ryan, and best of luck to you!!

  6. Hope RoR does great in Toronto and can help them bring a Cup to the city… I also feel like RoR is not done in St. Louis.

  7. Can’t watch yet. Too sad. Feels like yesterday he thought he’d play the rest of his career here. Will miss you captain my captain

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