@Canucks de Vancouver

Canucks cette semaine : qu’est-ce qui ne va pas avec l’équipe ? Qu’est-ce qui ne l’est pas ?

: Paul Chapman et Patrick Johnston discutent de la myriade de problèmes auxquels est confrontée l’une des pires équipes de la LNH, de la propriété aux joueurs en passant par les partisans qui achètent (ou n’achètent pas) des billets.


  1. Weak defense. We know that. It means the forwards have to come back for good support. Coachs responsibility.

  2. Is there a podcast that talks about the actual game of hockey? Every podcast talks about the business only.

  3. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the canucks, they are playing perfect hockey these days. Trust the process, keep The Tank on track.

  4. I've never really heard much good of this ownership even when times were good. Fair or not there is now a perception that ownership is the problem. Don't see that going away anytime soon.

  5. the fools that fill the arena night after night know what this team is. they still come to the game. so, do what the franchise needs to do to become a contender. right now over half the people at the games have been gifted tickets from season ticket holders.

  6. hilariously poor production value for a professional outfit… consult your nearest teenager for advice on how to easily improve

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