@Blues de Saint-Louis

Adieu ROR ! J’espère que nous pourrons vous ramener bientôt !

Adieu ROR ! J’espère que nous pourrons vous ramener bientôt !



  1. GetThemPucksInDeep

    See I was talking to my friends and family about this. I think (and really hope) he signs with the blues in the off-season for like 4.5mil x 4 years

    Kind of like Big Walt when we dealt him to the thrashers for a playoff run and he came right back home.

  2. minionsteve

    To me that picture says a lot. I would not be surprised if ROR signed with Detroit so he could play with Perron again for a couple years.

  3. Missouwa

    Side note: We’re did you get that frame?

  4. mhanna86

    Perron has one more year left in Detroit. I doubt ROR will frame his last big contract around DP.

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