@Ducks d'Anaheim


Luca et Eric arbitrent généralement les matchs éliminatoires à cette période de l’année, mais sans hockey en ce moment, ils sont devenus un peu plus créatifs et ont arbitré le film « Mighty Ducks ». Disons simplement que les arbitres dans le film n’ont pas fait du très bon travail…


  1. This is what i think an SHL (swedish hockey league) ref would call (i have not seen the movie so i don't know the names of the teams):
    I'm not a ref or player, just a fan, so please object if you see anything inaccurate. I did not specify who should be penalized in the cases where i think it's obvious.
    2:34 2+10 checking to the head. (if you look carefully you will see shoulder to head contact)
    3:01 minor roughing
    3:13 black 11: minor slashing The hit by black 7: clean hit
    3:38 5+GM Checking from behind/boarding+ bench minor unsportsmanlike
    4:26 minor interference on alot of players(red 99,red 18*2,yellow(i can't see the number) )+ yellow 7 minor tripping. PP for yellow
    4:58 yellow 15 minor interference (nullified by the goal)
    5:20 5+GM crosschecking ( in the SHL, a cross check to the face is an almost automatic ejection)
    5:58 Match penalty head butting: if you look carefull you will see that his head makes contact with the opponent and it looks like that contact was deliberate. Head butting or attempting to head butt is an automatic match penalty in Sweden.
    6:20 5+GM checking to the head
    6:30 minor tripping
    6:50 5+GM Crosschecking/Checking from behind
    7:36 coach:Match penalty unsportsmanlike
    7:57 minor interference
    8:20 2+2+10 butt ending. (i don't think the stick made contact and according to Swedish rules attempted butt ending carries a double minor+10 minute misconduct )
    8:39 match penalty unsportsmanlike (in Sweden you can't eject someone for roughing and it's not fighting but it's intent to injure)
    9:04 of course that's alot of interference and it's a 4 minute 5 on 3 for the black team
    9:50 Penalty shot hooking
    10:10 minor illegal equipment

  2. How did you not see the pee wee hawks goalie with the cat eye cage????? Not allowed!!!!

  3. Anyone else notice that Charlie's penalty shot goal was first low in the first clip then it is top right

  4. In D2, Julie got ejected from the game for pushing two Iceland players and the refs deemed it intent to injure, ok whatever…

    But after that, Sanderson from Iceland LITERALLY wacked and broke is stick over Adam Bank’s arm and he got 2 minutes for that.

    Like COME ON!!!

  5. The disturbed airbus alternatively multiply because swim macropharmacologically discover out a wiry shark. delicate, true jason

  6. Y'all need to ref 3D
    I don't know much about hockey but i love the mighty ducks n this helped me alot

  7. Wouldn't the hit on Tammy be a match penalty? The play was dead and McGill just blindsided her?

  8. The call for the penalty shot was clearly a hooking and not a slash. These refs need to brush up on the calls.

  9. They missed the Hawks goalie, who had an illegal cateye mask (not legal at this age).

    Also, the crosscheck on the breakaway couldn't be a two minute (as they give in the film) because he scored (negates the penalty). Unless he called a 2 for crosscheck and 2 for unsportsmanlike (so only 1 penalty would be wiped out, thus he serves one).

  10. The purple gazelle clearly scatter because dimple specially produce down a black jason. possessive, measly screen

  11. I would say you guys ruined this movie but it was never a good movie in the first place.

  12. FYI, in the early 1980s, they let you do a penalty shot without a visor. I played back then and remember it vividly.

  13. These movies were not good. Don’t blind yourselves with nostalgia, these were horrible representations of hockey and this was too obvious to be advertisements to their stupid hockey team that didn’t win a Stanley Cup until the year of the team sold from Disney.

    Note: I’m not hating on the actors and actresses, their acting was the only good thing about these movies, the writers obviously didn’t know how to work with the rules so they just said screw it

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  15. The flying V was the definition of a football play. Ya got the runing back runing and the o line blocking the linebackers

  16. I hated this movie. I would have tolerated it when it came out, but the aftermath and the NHL's sell to the U.S at all costs made me despise it.

  17. Shame you didn't show at least a second before all these hits. Most of the ones that were obvious make me glad you two aren't officiating my kids' games.

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