@Capitals de Washington

Dylan Larkin est expulsé du jeu après avoir recoupé TJ Oshie Up High

Téléchargé par Alyssa Hope Channel Lien : https://www.youtube.com/c/AlyssaHope Alyssa Hope Twitter : @_alyssa_hope Tous les droits vont à la LNH. Je ne possède pas la musique et les images utilisées dans cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. How can some of you goofs say this was accidental? The puck is going the opposite direction, and Larkin raises his hands and stick to a cross check position. Guess what- holding your stick head high isn’t a natural position to make a hockey play- it only occurs when you’re…..trying to cross check someone. Maybe Larkin didn’t mean to cross check Oshie in the face, but he 100% meant to cross check him, up high. So it doesn’t matter if the face was accidental- that’s about as obvious of a major I’ve seen all year.

  2. Prison, 10 years jail time according to the comments. Can you guys stop overreacting. Similar to blondes these guys takes stuff to the face all the time.

  3. It's not his fault Oshie isn't wearing the proper equipment. Stop over penalizing players because they refuse to wear full cages.

    The reffing is reaalllyy bad this year

  4. Refs are pure shit. pure homer call. I've seen way worse not even get 2 min. Refs are idiots.

  5. Oshie what freaking cry baby you’re a grown man take the hit and keep going

  6. Huh?? Dallas players get crosschecked in the face all the fucking time. If it ever gets called, it's just 2 mins even with blood. Holy fucking inconsistentcy NHL.

  7. The NHL tried to keep their script but the Red Wings pulled through and won even after an unfair ejection!

  8. The right call. Even if it was accidental, I stand firm on head contact being much more heavily penalized, even in the case of accidents. I've had too many concussions myself and know just how brutal head injuries can be as more of them are accrued. Protecting the head is an absolute must and we should be more strict about it. I still find it crazy they don't enforce full cages. Stupid not to.

  9. Bertuzzi got slashed in the face two games ago, no penalty. This should have been 4 tops, there was no malicious intent.

  10. They suspended Seattle’s Oleksiak for an accidental hit above the shoulder on a comparative midget in the same building. Seems to be a DC ref thing

  11. The officials wanted to give the capitals an advantage but guess what you can't stop the power of Ville Husso Huuuuuuu

  12. Larkin should have gotten a few more games than what he did. At least 5 games, that was a gutless, dirty, and spineless move by him. No room for that type of garbage in the NHL.

  13. $5,000 fine for that hit is a joke. He was trying to crosscheck him, just not in the head. A fine for that hit to a player with concussion history is bs.

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  15. His stick rode up Oshies stick. Still a penalty as you are responsible for your actions. However, a double minor should have been the call as this was definitely unintentional.

  16. Wasn't intentional but have to be in control of your stick. 4 min double Minor at worst. Not a 5.

  17. The people who hate on Larkin y’all have no life he’s been the best player on this team for years and he still is so get your little jerky comments out of the system because without him the red wings wouldn’t be this good. The hate he gets is ridiculous also. The hit wasn’t on purpose it was on accident you can tell he was trying to protect him self from getting hit himself. Get over it people

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