@Blackhawks de Chicago

[Stefen Rosner] Selon une source fiable, #NYR élabore le cadre d’un accord impliquant #Blackhawks Patrick Kane. On dirait que cela pourrait être celui qui favorise les Rangers :

[Stefen Rosner] Selon une source fiable, #NYR élabore le cadre d’un accord impliquant #Blackhawks Patrick Kane. On dirait que cela pourrait être celui qui favorise les Rangers :



  1. dangshnizzle

    [Linked Article](https://nyihockeynow.com/patrick-kane-new-york-rangers-new-york-islanders-no-trade-clause-nhl-trade-rumor/)

    Hawks will likely have to accept less than they’re being offered by teams such as Edmonton and Dallas because Kane would be insisting on trying to make it work with NYR first before waving for anyone else. I for one am happy so long as it involved the Rangers’ 2023 1st. Expect conditions on picks involved and expect former 1st round pick Kravtsov to be a piece of value coming back to make the cap space work.

  2. Reptomins

    I refuse to believe it. If the Rangers already blew their wad on Tarasenko then so be it, but don’t trade Kane for garbage just cuz they already traded all their draft capital elsewhere. KD ain’t this dumb.

    PS: new Twitter sucks, I have no idea who is legit cuz they let anybody have a blue check.

  3. DiamondBurInTheRough

    I don’t understand why we’re gonna give Kane up for a potentially shitty return. It’s not like we need him to go and he’s been pretty quiet about whether he wants to stay or go, so it’s not like he’s been demanding to be traded.

  4. SuperCAD

    I consider all of these « reports » as click-bait crap. When it happens, we’ll know. Growing real tired of all this speculation on when/where Kane will go to. Why get worked up over something that hasn’t happened yet?

  5. ericsipi

    Might be a tad controversial but I’m fine with getting less/bad end of the deal if it puts Kane where he wants to be. After after he’s done as a hawk lifting 3 cups and enduring us being shit the last 4-5 years without making much of a stink about being traded, the least we can do is put him in a good situation.

  6. KFBR392293

    Great, take anything we can get for him at this point. Time to move on, all the best on the way out 88

  7. dishonourableprince

    i’m prepared to be disappointed by this return package for Kane, even with his recent surge we were never gonna get back the value that he brings to the Hawks.

    I’m stoked though that he’s gonna get to play playoff hockey again and be with his hockey soulmate in Panarin.

  8. ogfuelbone12

    It’s Giroux 2.0. Kane says trade me to the Rangers, Hawks trade him to the Rangers for the best deal they can get. Kane’s earned that right. End of an era.

    Assuming this is all true. Thanks for the mems Kaner. 2010 Blackhawks are the reason I love this sport.

  9. WrongLetters

    i don’t think i’m as emotionally ready for this as i thought

  10. dangshnizzle


    > From Patrick Kane’s agent Pat Brisson:
    “Patrick hasn’t made any decision at this point.”
    Which is what
    reported earlier on Insider Trading.
    We’ll see what the next few days bring.

    edit: alrighty so here’s the deal.

    Per [Vinnie Parise](https://twitter.com/VinnieParise/status/1628905626926473216)

    > It is my understanding that the #Blackhawks and #NYR have the framework in place for a deal involving Patrick Kane.

    However to make the cap work they likely have to wait until the final day of the trade deadline for the Hawks to eat enough of his prorated cap hit.

    On top of all of this, the Hawks now have a full roster (23/23 spots taken) after taking Zaitsev yesterday which further proves that we’ll have to wait for other moves to happen before we can take on [two roster players](https://twitter.com/NYRangers/status/1628899848404475905) while giving up just one in Kane. We can expect someone like Lafferty (or maybe McCabe) to be traded before Kane. Athanasiou and Domi seem more like players teams pull the trigger for on deadline day when other doors have closed.

    edit3: [fuuuuuuck](https://twitter.com/AdamZHerman/status/1628950035378450433)

    > Based on what I’ve heard, IF and when this deal gets announced, the cost is going to make it obvious how insistent Kane was that this happen.

  11. gudenes_yndling

    What’s the point of the trade if the return is Kravtsov & Leschyshyn/Jones? It’s like NYR dumping garbage (that the city has plenty of) for a star player. I would better keep Kaner. Kravtsov has shown pretty much a little less than nothing in the league (I follow NYR bc live in NYC)

  12. liftoff88

    I’m hitting full on depression mode right now

  13. Rshackleford22

    Unless we get a haul I don’t want him gone.

  14. erectguinness

    I saw this reporter eat boogers while he was a camp counselor I wouldn’t believe the isles beat reporter

  15. glassofsoymilk

    Guys. I love kane, we love kane. It is better to get a single 3rd rounder than for us to keep him.

  16. swimmer4200

    Showtime and Breadman back together again is going to be fuckin awesome

  17. radiotsar

    Not sure which fits better if Kane goes, is it more like ripping off a bandaid or taking off the training wheels for the young guys.

  18. GItPirate

    If it doesn’t favor the Hawks don’t move Kane.

  19. revolutiontime161


  20. RollingGuyNo9

    “Sounds like it could be one that favors the Rangers”

    Yeah no shit. We have little to no leverage in this situation. We know this, other teams know this as well. Dallas or Minnesota or Edmonton could offer us the Moon and then some but if Kane simply says “No thanks” which he’s completely in his right to, then what else is there. Dude just wants to go to the Rangers, like Giroux wanted to go to Florida and only Florida.

    I’m firmly in the boat that says this trade is gonna suck for returns, but it’s better than getting nothing back at all. We’re already getting nothing from Toews as it is.

  21. GreatLakesLiving28

    I want whatever Kane wants. I’d give him up for nothing if that’s what it took. He’s earned the right to choose where he wants to play.

    I was going to say “thanks for everything” but that doesn’t even do it justice. He will have his banner in the rafters, and statue outside the UC.

  22. Libraryitarian

    Please get Othmann as one of the prospects.

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