@Sabres de Buffalo

Fuck The Lightning! Au diable Erik Cernak ! Boosh vous salue, putains de clowns.

Fuck The Lightning! Au diable Erik Cernak ! Boosh vous salue, putains de clowns.



  1. Icommentoncrap

    Good god what a goal. Cant stop replaying this

  2. duckster1974

    I won the auction for his Choose Love jersey. And man does it feel great right now!!!

  3. Sabre2230

    Couldn’t agree more with that title

  4. 3rdEyeJoker

    I’ve never screamed that hard for a goal, boosh being the scorer made this all the better!

    Edit: also razor just letting out the ARHHHH in response to the goal was all of us!

  5. skullthrash

    I’m pretty sure we just heard Rob Ray audibly finish

  6. Responsible-Fox-9082

    Wtf did I just watch? I have been working during games and I just get a notification « r/sabres – FUCK CERNACK »


    HAY HAY!!! The Sabres can get a lucky call some times with a goal… after a pile of shit calls. WAY TO GO BOYS!!!

  8. VanillaCokeMule

    Fuck this might be my favorite play of the season, or at least top three with the Dahlers to Cozey OT goal or the Cozey to Tuchy OT goal against Boston. My brother and I screamed ourselves hoarse. I love everything about this goal.

  9. thepomadeguy

    Tampa can get fucked, and so can their toxic ass fans

  10. diabeetus-girl

    I’m watching Tage Thompson’s post game interview and he said “it’s a shame it wasn’t at home so we could hear his song,” and then he paused and pointed off camera and smiled saying “Oh, Skinny is playing it now.” 😂

  11. realbooN

    I fucking love Rayzor I don’t care if he’s rambling incoherently half the time this man bleeds Buffalo.

  12. Snys6678

    I love the energy of this post. Thank you.

  13. Jcs85288

    I haven’t screamed like that in a long time….scared my poor dog half to death..

  14. ChubZer0

    And it being his first goal made it even better! 😁

  15. yourballsareshowing_

    What a game!! I may just buy a ticket and head over to the game tomorrow vs Panthers! That got me pumped!

  16. TheFerricGenum

    Stamkos felt Lyubushkin tap his stick so he clamped down with his arm and took a dive to try to draw a hooking call. Good on Boosh for loosening up his grip to show he wasn’t pulling on stammer at all

  17. AssinineAssassin

    Wish it was at home…We all deserve a Gummy Bear celebration!

  18. gobills1365

    if we make the playoffs this season this is going to be one of the all time memorable sabres goals. one of the unlikliest heroes when we needed it most. absolutely incredible

  19. Stacyy_

    Thank you Buffalo. Thank you.

    -Sincerely the Bruins fans (I COME IN PEACE I SWEAR)

    Seriously thank you for shutting up the Lightning for a night. Good luck with the rest of your season hopefully you guys can finally make the playoffs

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