@Kraken de Seattle

Brad Marchand des Bruins livre un coup de pied sur Oliver Bjorkstrand de Kraken au milieu de Scrum After Whistle

Regardez alors que l’attaquant des Bruins de Boston, Brad Marchand, semble battre du pied Oliver Bjorkstrand du Seattle Kraken, alors que les deux se sont emmêlés dans une altercation après le coup de sifflet.


  1. Why is Brad M still in hockey. This is so wrong at every level and hope he gets band out of hockey with his resume of cheap shots. I can’t stand this garbage giving hockey a bad name.

  2. Wasn't even close to a slew foot. I would say trip if anything, and I am sure his reputation will most likely get him a suspension for this but come on SPORTSNET lets be better here with the click bait.

  3. Barely anything there really. I've seen worse things not even get a replay. Ppl like to get their panties in a bunch because it's Marchand. Don't fool yourselves. You haters would trade a handful of those plays a season for a 90pt 2-way player.

  4. Barely a slewfoot more of a fight that Oliver lost not to mention Oliver grabbing marchands leg which is no better yet nobody wants to talk about that

  5. In the last 5 seasons Brad Marshand has more points than Crosby, Mathews, Ovechkin, Stamkos, Tavares, Giroux and many other highly regarded players.

  6. Borgen should’ve kicked his leg out from under him while bjorkstrand had his leg in a hold

  7. I can't wait for someone to Bertuzzi or McSoreley this rat. It is coming eventually and I will not even bat an eye when Marchand loses an eye… or a head… or motor function.

  8. Didn't seem like much, I mean Marchand was engaged and had enough leverage on one foot to tap him and knock his leg out? In other words, the Kraken player seemed to fall too easily to call this a slew foot.

  9. Of course he did. Marchand is a P.O.S. Bruins throw more behind the whistle shots than the rest of the league combined. Just garbage.

  10. The rat at it again. Find a weaker opponent, try to bully them if that fails do something dirty. Suspension incoming. What a horrible waste of such great talent.

  11. I didn’t notice the “slew foot” I only noticed the grown man hanging on to marchands leg like a screaming child that didn’t get their way

  12. I CANNOT WAIT until the crybabies get to see both Marchy and Hathaway on the same team. This is gonna be soo good.

  13. Brad Marchand fined $5000 for a
    "dangerous trip" 😂
    So apparently it's ok for Bjorkstrand to grab Marchand by the leg & attempt to injure him.
    Nothing to see here, but if Marchand is getting fined, then Bjorkstrand should be fined as well, it's a blatant reputation fine with a double standard.
    Bjorkstrand got out muscled, but let's cry "slew foot" "dangerous trip"
    NHL turning into a soft league.

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