@Canucks de Vancouver

r/Canucks ELIMINATION GAME FINAL SHOWDOWN …….. Henrik contre Trevor

r/Canucks ELIMINATION GAME FINAL SHOWDOWN …….. Henrik contre Trevor



  1. LowIQCapologist

    Fuck messier! But hank is the best Captain this team has ever known. Sorry Trev

  2. superschaap81

    Fuck Messier. Linden just IS the Canucks captain to me.

    Can’t stand it, but I have throw Henrik Sedin out.

  3. Goodbye Trevor. I wasn’t a Canucks fan when you were active anyways.

  4. ConfuzedSkunk

    I love Hank as much as the next fan but as far as being a captain goes it’s got to be linden

  5. jdmay101

    I mean, Henrik was the best player the team ever had over the course of his career… but that doesn’t make you the best captain. Linden played like he’d die on the ice if it meant a cup coming to Vancouver.

    So my vote is for Henrik’s elimination.

    … wait, no, scratch that, I vote Messier again.

  6. Tannyboi17

    In honesty, both are the same as captains. But with Henrik never wearing a different sweater (Fuck Messier) his whole career makes him the ultimate Canuck to me.

  7. casualhobos

    Surprise surprise that it came down to them.

  8. human_dong_bong

    I’m just here to request an X on Fuck Messier’s face, pls.

  9. CamaroGirl96

    I knew this was going to be the final option and yet I still don’t know who to pick. I wasn’t alive/very young when Trevor was here so I don’t even remember him playing. But it’s funny because he still seems to be the face of the franchise even though he doesn’t even work for them anymore. Everyone knows who Linden is (that’s a Canucks fan regardless of their generation) which is saying a lot.
    However I do remember Hank and I always appreciated how him and Daniel never left Vancouver. Cause they probably could have cashed in elsewhere and the fact they are still here helping the current players. And that 2011 run while I know it wasn’t just the captain responsible it was so amazing to be able to watch that.

  10. jiffyfly6

    Linden will always be Captain Canuck

  11. elrizzy

    Nazzy finishing ahead of Smyl and Kurtenbach kinda threw me off this whole thing.

    Good player, but he could write a book on underperformance. Went into the playoffs multiple times with one of the leagues hottest teams and never made it past the second round. Lost to basically an expansion team. Choke artist. I’d even put Horvat ahead of him, he at least put the team on his back in the bubble and his bad squads at least always outperformed predictions.

  12. MadEyeJoker

    This hurt my soul to do, but I voted to eliminate Hank.

    Linden is the heart and soul of what it truly means to be a Canuck. He is the greatest Canuck captain of all time because despite not being the highest skilled guy, he played like he was and put all of his blood, sweat, and tears on the ice. Not that Henrik didn’t, but Linden made up for any lack of skill and supporting cast with sheer spirit. What this franchise became during the Henrik era was because of the culture that Linden set. Naslund carried that torch and passed it to Henrik.

  13. haxoreni

    It speaks a lot about how people saw Trevor Linden as a leader in that teams gave up quite a bit of assets to acquire him when it was obvious that his hockey skills were declining. It goes without saying how impactful his trade to the Islanders was for our organization, but the Isles also got a top 10 pick for Linden, Montreal got a first rounder for sending him to Washington and we had to part ways with a first rounder ourself to bring him back to Van. Hank was clearly the better player in his career, but in terms of how well respected these guys were as leaders, I think Trevor’s got him beat.

  14. avmp629

    I’ll take the first-ballot hall of famer

  15. Euthyphroswager

    And this round is where recency bias makes its strongest appearance, probably.

  16. International_Pen478

    I’m sorry but I’m voting Linden out 😬

  17. baseballart

    I can’t vote. We need the judgement of Solomon

  18. Deliximus

    voting Linden out. Henrik is a HOF, and literally the leader of our most successful era. Linden may be the ‘soul’, Henrik has him beat with all other stats, and accomplishments. Also doesn’t help that Club 16 has some shady practices.

  19. GobertoBobongo

    Well Henrik, it’s your time.

    Linden will always be #1. ❤️

  20. Skookummm

    Thank you for your service Henrik, you had an unfair advantage with your twin pumping you up (and vice versa).

  21. usernamedutchess

    It’s Hank’s time. And fuck Messier.

  22. Away-Security-7689

    Linden was clutch in every playoff game and series… never moreso than being the dominant player in Game 7 SCF in ‘94 with 2 goals and playing the series completely broken. I was at ‘11 SCF and wanted to cry at how not a single Canuck even showed up for a 4-0 shellacking in their own rink. Linden is HANDS DOWN the greatest captain the Canucks have ever had. And I am proud that we have a HOF Henrik as our second greatest captain in history. #16… hail to the king, baby 🤘

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