@Kings de Los Angeles


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  1. I Glad Kings won, I cant help but Notice Fox almost choke the game away, having those critical turnover late in the game. On another note M Monk has ice in his vains, he was playing lights out yesterday. Im Not a king fan But Mike Brown has my support for coach of the year.

  2. I thought no defense, read the comment section and proved wrong lol! The Clippers gave this one away, waaaaayyyyy tooooo many careless turnovers up by almost 10 with 2 minutes left in regulation

  3. reminds me of the old west with Denver, Phoenix, Golden State, those teams scored a ton

  4. Why the clippers didn’t FOUL on the last play of REGULATION? Because sports IS ENTERTAINMENT

  5. “Wow, if Westbrook had just made that easy layup LAC would’ve won” said all Clippers fans

  6. incredible game, Monk and Fox together was to much. I like that the clippers scored a lot of three pointers but the kings had the paint.
    what a year for fox….. finally….. also this should have been on ESPN…. it was the three vs the four in the west…. ESPN's loss

  7. games should never have such high scores but what can you expect in todays NBA where fts are given out like candy, its extremely soft, no defense played at all, and everyone can drop 30 nowadays dropping 20 pts is low, soon were gonna see players regularly average 50

  8. Paul George got sloppy in the 4th. Crucial turnovers. Up over 10 points with 3 minutes to go. Clips gave it away.

  9. Kings have a new coach and are 3rd in the conference. They’re not being talked bout enough

  10. Fox still proving to be the clutchest player in the NBA right now. And this has made all the difference because one of the key things they were missing before was the ability to close out games.

    Kings coming to their own. Love to see it.
    To quote their announcer: if you don't like that, you don't like NBA basketball.

  11. How do you not throw that ball to Kawhi in the post with his guy pinned in the last seconds if you are Norman Powell?

  12. One of the best NBA games I've seen in years. Both teams played hard on defense and offense

  13. see if the lakers put russ in the starting lineup he would go crazy 17-points 14-assist is crazy for ur first game in a team

  14. The NBA needs to stop this, it’s pure wrestling now, guys getting 45 points 30 points 60 points off the bench

  15. If you told me a team would score 175 points and would lose the game, I would say you were crazy!

  16. Dang they really had to skip the whole first quarter highlights 🤣

  17. I don’t care how long the game is I’m not letting a washed Nicholas batum take the last shot 😂😂

  18. That had to be the 2023 Game of the Year! Awesome scoring outburst by both teams, if only the 2023 Nba allstar game this past Sunday was this competitive.

  19. 4:27 sabonis just sitting down low and that’s a 24 shot clock violation
    Westbrook blowing lays and TOs

  20. Clippers look like they can go deep in the playoffs. Westbrook fits perfectly with them

  21. Now this is basketball. They are actually playing defense, getting rebounds and actually chasing the ball. And surprisingly, the regs let them play lol

  22. Clippers management wtf you pick russel westbrook? For what to do some selfish play throwing bricks 3..you already got john wall reggie jackson…what a nice management…

  23. Meh..great start for Russ, don't read too far into this one. Clippers could really use Zubac. Their size was lacking and they still played great ball for much of the game. If this is a sign of things to come, watch out league as these clips get some chemistry.. they're gonna be nasty

  24. Lue is not the right coach for the Clippers to win a Championship. He has some of the worse plays after a timeout, and with all the talent he has now he doesn’t know what to do on offense to get the most out of them.

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