@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Juste un bulletin d’information amical que le plus récent objet de notre affection, ROR, a une histoire notoire d’être fier de défendre l’égalité et l’inclusion ! 🌈

Juste un bulletin d’information amical que le plus récent objet de notre affection, ROR, a une histoire notoire d’être fier de défendre l’égalité et l’inclusion ! 🌈



  1. Volderon90

    I’m not surprised. I don’t think this organization would go and get a player that didn’t have these views.

    Edit: lol at all the homophobes downvoting

    Edit 2: And someone Reddit cared me, little snowflake, maybe you need help

  2. MedievalHag

    Well, he does have the right last name for it. Albeit a different spelling and an O’ added to it. Mo is a huge supporter too

  3. Hell_Interface_

    Women want to be with him, men want to be with him

  4. Notionaltomato

    Good on him, but nobody cares outside the Reddit circle jerk.

    Unless someone’s an outspoken bigot, if they make the team better, I want them. And that is surely also the perspective of every team’s management group.

  5. UkeManSteve

    Respectfully who cares. He got drunk and crashed into a Tim Hortons lol. If we wanna judge his character that’s more telling then him wearing some rainbow stuff sometimes. All we want is for him to help us make a deep playoff run

  6. Hotpickledsprouts

    Damn he looks way less like shorsey with all his teeth

  7. StockWillingness2748

    Just want to say that just because the players wear, attend, or are part of specific celebrations, means little. More than likely they do these because, social obligations are in their contracts, they don’t want to scare away potential endorsement contracts, etc. Odds are most athletes feel similar to myself and others. We truly do not care what kind of person, gender you want to be with or be, at all. That’s none of my business just like it isn’t others. Most players are likely very neutral so long as someone isn’t causing them or others they love problems. Saying athletes are very supportive is like saying every athlete that goes to the white house likely voted for that president. It’s usually just a PR move and has no other meaning behind it.

  8. JumboBlunt

    Buddy drunk drove into a restaurant and fled the scene. Who gives a fuck if he put on a rainbow necklace for a few hours

  9. windsostrange

    Hm, I wonder what Kane’s history is on discriminated groups

  10. TyranitarusMack

    Is that Ryan O’Reilly or Bradley Cooper, I can’t tell

  11. Material-Sandwich-62

    And what does this have to do with hockey FFS?

  12. 10thousand34

    What a hunk

    On a side note, a lot of projecting and insecurity in here lol

  13. XPhazeX

    Damn Ryan, save some handsome for the rest of us

  14. twogaysnakes

    He wore the ribbon. Put away the pitch forks.

  15. cyprocoque

    Thank fuck. For a second I thought this was going to go the opposite direction. Atta boy Ryan.

  16. hanMan86

    Hes the perfect fit for this club and all the love it represents. He knows it. Hes said so every time he’s smiled since arriving.

  17. Wait so he does have a full smile? does he take out the other tooth when he plays or did it get knocked out again

  18. DownTownBrown28

    Is he handsome? I feel like he is.

  19. SqueakyWheel89

    Didn’t know he was religious

  20. Shot_Distribution382

    He did it….. he saved the world

  21. rjones416

    he’s gonna bring the cup to the pride parade.

  22. AnalStewDelight

    Omg!!! Slava Ukraina ✊🏻😩

  23. Arebee936

    throwback to when he wasn’t missing a tooth. what a man

  24. 1337duck

    G8 B8 Mods! We don’t want those « fans » around here.

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