@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Charlie O’Connor] « John Tortorella dit que Konecny ​​sera absent pendant une longue période. »

[Charlie O’Connor] « John Tortorella dit que Konecny ​​sera absent pendant une longue période. »



  1. hoptimus-prime

    Tank’s back on the menu boys!

  2. ThunderDog17

    Should’ve had him on the trade block anyways

  3. crafbicycle

    Just in time for management to save face enough and claim we weren’t actually tanking all year

  4. FlyersLaForest

    Ellis. Coots. Atkinson. TK. Get ready boys and girls

  5. Snips_Tano

    So when we’re probably out of the Bedard race we’ll decide to tank.

    then at the end of the season when we still get a shitty pick we’ll hear « Well, once Ellis, Atkinson, Konecny, and Coots come back… » and sign a bunch of trash to expensive long term deals and be right back where we started.

  6. Gunmars

    Just in time for Dave Scott to blame missing the playoffs on injuries to give Fletcher another year of running the circus.

  7. TyperMcTyperson

    They should really start dropping spots once TDL is over. Gonna be great to improve that draft position.

  8. Mason_35

    Extended period of time as in rest of the season? There’s only 21 games left lol

  9. CrunchyKorm

    It’s for the good of the franchise to be worse, but god damn if this team isn’t amazing at playing “Every Important Player Gets a Major Injury” bingo.

  10. mikeyeah17

    Ryan Ellis immediately responded, « hold my beer »

  11. ClearSights

    And with that, all my caring is gone.

    Full on team “cheer the team to lose”

  12. Fig_Newton_

    Joining Coots and Cam for the first of many 1st line tee times this offseason

  13. D_Stash

    Love the people in the thread thinking this was the final straw and now they’re done with the team – the smart ones knew this team has been fucked for the last few years

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