@Golden Knights de Vegas

Échange complet de Timo Meier

Échange complet de Timo Meier



  1. UnhealthyCheesecake

    I’m sure they tried, but there was no way we could realistically trade 6 pieces for Meier.

  2. albertogonzalex

    My brother in christ, I cannot stress this enough – the best thing VGK MGMT has ever done was not get in on this trade.

  3. Throw_away91251952

    For a long time, I thought that there was pretty much nothing I wouldn’t give up outside of the roster. Cup window is now, and most of our prospects aren’t gonna help us win during that window and probably won’t be good enough to make us win after the window. I was ready to give up just about any of them.

    But like, this is a lot. Not a chance Vegas could realistically do this. NJ pretty much just gave up 2 entire AHL lines. Roughly a third of the roster. Vegas can’t do that. I see why we lost the sweepstakes.

    Bummer though.

  4. LarsSantiago

    Not worth it for vegas.

    I’d be happy if we went after another middle 6 guy, someone who can mesh well with eichel maybe.

    Or maybe a young project player like tanner jeannot or brock boeser etc

  5. Dadalid

    Holy shit thank god we didn’t make the trade

  6. markymrk720

    NJ fans are thrilled bc the trade didn’t include the top guys they thought it would.

  7. appledatsyuk

    All of you who think this is “too much” have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s Timo freaking meier. All these AHL pieces are just that, nobodies. You’re telling me you guys would be mad if we traded morozov, pachal, Hayes and Cormier? Like realistically that’s about equal to the players New Jersey gave up. Not even 2 guaranteed first round picks. Huge miss by the front office not matching this. New Jersey didn’t have to give up any of their top prospects, not even close.

    Who is even left to get? Only player id be ok with is boeser cause eichel needs a winger who can keep up and score

  8. friskyjude

    I saw a lot of people being underwhelmed, but SJ got six assets back… don’t even want to imagine what that would’ve looked like from us.

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