@Blackhawks de Chicago

Si longtemps mon vieil ami.

Si longtemps mon vieil ami.



  1. globesnstuff

    Thanks for the memories, Kaner.

    I grew up in a home where basketball was the only sport watched, and my grandpa helped get me into baseball. But then I heard about these new rookies at the Blackhawks named Toews and Kane. Apparently it was an exciting time to be watching the team. I turned on my first ice hockey game in 2008 and I’ve been a fan ever since. Not only a fan of the Blackhawks but also of ice hockey as a sport in general. I’m so glad I got to watch through these exciting years.

    But maybe it is time for some fresh faces on our end, and for some new challenges for Kaner. Maybe this is what has to happen to get some spice back into the game here in Chicago.

  2. Squabbles1234

    Looking forward to the retirement ceremony and number raising in a couple years.

  3. ManlyManicottiBoi

    Oh God this just aged me. Trying to remember the first time I saw this…

  4. R0enick27

    Ahhhh, I remember these from the game 7s of the Cup years.

  5. DiamondBurInTheRough

    First of all, how dare you…

  6. paul-cus

    I remember going to see him play when he was a rookie. Had an idea he was going to be special, but he ended up on an even higher level than that. What a ride. I hate the Rangers, but wish him well.

  7. Spam_Halen_1984

    Hate to see him go, but glad for what he achieved in the greatest jersey ever. Good luck Kaner, hopefully you’ll be back even if for just a one day contract.

  8. Fixner_Blount

    Today sucks

    Edit: And I just found out I have covid.

  9. Trojan_Lich

    One day, maybe he’ll return for one last cup run? I can dream.

    Thanks for the memories, Kaner. Wishing you more cups in those big ass, folded pizza eating weirdos.

  10. Next_Gen_Nyquil_

    Holy throwback, fuck this one hit different

  11. jmaca90

    That’s hockey, baby…

    So long, for now.

  12. smuggleskittens

    😭 seriously kicking myself right now. Was in Dallas visiting fam last week. Kicked the idea around to go to the Hawks/Stars game on Wednesday.
    Didn’t go due to family stuff and UGH!!! Could have seen his last game as a Hawk and now I’m doubly sad.

  13. malcontented

    Look we all love PK and want the best for him but we can we just for a minute ask how fucking incompetent and clueless does management have to be to let the best ever USA born player walk for nearly nothing?!?? SMDH. It’s been a long time coming and the culmination of several years of fucking over the franchise and squandering a ton of good to great players. In the end it’s just sad

  14. Science-tastic

    Ugh as an islanders native this just hurts even more. But I’m grateful to see him and bread back together again

  15. ChaplnGrillSgt

    With changing Toews to Panarin, maybe we can trade this to the Rangers sub for future meme draft picks.

  16. zdubz007

    The return for Kane is horrible….we basically gave him away

  17. annoyin_professional

    Remember when the Hawks won the cup in 2015, had the best record in the western conference in 2016, had a bad week and got swept in the playoffs, and Stan Bowman said “unacceptable, big changes coming”? Never mind that they had back to back first round exits after their first cup, never mind that they’d played more hockey than anyone in the league over the last half decade. That was not a team that could’ve come back and competed again in 2017, it needed to be blown up.

    Ha ha ha. What a genius! Inherited 3 cups and spent his entire tenure losing every trade he made and steadily squandering what he had, but thinks he was on the ice winning them himself.

  18. eldridge2e

    hate to see him go but happy hes got a chance to get one before retirement because our hawks are shit

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