@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Le barbecue de Bogo | Épisode 1 Josh Duhamel

Joignez-vous à Zach Bogosian et à l’invité spécial Josh Duhamel pour une séance de grillades pas comme les autres dans cet épisode de Bogo’s Barbeque présenté par Bud Light! Découvrez le Bogo’s BBQ Merch : https://tampabaysports.com/product-category/lightning/special-collections/bogos-bbq/ Rejoignez le tonnerre : http://tampabaylightning.com http://twitter.com/tblightning http ://instagram.com/tblightning #bogosbbq #NHL #TBL


  1. Was this sponsored by Bud Lite? I mean come on guys…you can afford to drink good beer.

  2. I thought Bolts Beginnings was awesome, but THIS was AMAZING. The perks of being a Florida team.

    Lets Go Lightning!

  3. This came out of left field. Keep this up and let’s see what other cameos occur 👀

  4. Awesome, hey Josh, I don't know if you Remember Me or not but,.. I was an extra in a couple episodes of "Las Vegas" with James Caan way back in the day… I met you,.. you were very nice,.. we hung out during lunch,.. you were awesome guy!.It was the episode where the guy was cheating using a thing in his finger to see the cards at the blackjack table. Another episode was called Groundhog summer…I live in Central Florida now and am a huge Tampa Bay Lightning fan,.. small world huh.

  5. Oh, Bogo! I'm totally star struck!
    Terminology check: "barbeque" is with barbeque sauce.
    Cooking on the grill is "grilling," "cooking out" or "using the smoker."
    Have you tried Everglades seasoning? Good stuff! Yes, it can be found at Publix.

  6. This is fantastic. Closest I’ll get to sitting down with maroon and bogosian having a barbecue I love it

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