@Flyers de Philadelphie

Chuck Fletcher attend que les 31 autres GM l’appellent après avoir payé des « initiés » pour tweeter que ses joueurs sont désirables :

Chuck Fletcher attend que les 31 autres GM l’appellent après avoir payé des « initiés » pour tweeter que ses joueurs sont désirables :



  1. FlyersLaForest

    If we get through Friday. Don’t make a single move. And I hear some bullshit quote from Fletch along the lines of  » The moves just weren’t there, we like our group » I will. Delete my account

  2. Micksar

    Good to see that “Blank Check” Dave Scott gave Fletcher being put to use, at least. It was either bribing Dreger, Weekes, and Seravalli or hiring another analytics intern to tell us we blow.

  3. Steppyjim

    No no you got it all wrong. It’s all a part of Chuck’s plan.

    Step 1: watch idly as dozens of trades are thrown around the league, as more teams are going all in at once then ever before.

    Step 2: do absolutely nothing during the frenzy, and wait for all those teams to fill up roster spots with other players.

    Step 3:

    Step 4: mission complete.

  4. Consistent_Project95

    Chuck has no plan. We have witnessed it over and over again.

    Tomorrow and Friday will be waiting for a Xmas present that you know is a hand me down. TBH I am not expecting him to do anything bc of his pure incompetence.

  5. LarryFineMD

    Fletcher couldn’t attract flies on a hot summer day covered in dog shit.

  6. Effingcheese

    I honestly forgot it was hockey season. I have watch maybe 5 games.

  7. Snips_Tano

    You can’t trade anyone if you’re the fifth most improved team in the league. Because with this team set and once Atkinson, Coots, and Ellis come back next season…

  8. Touro_de_Goa

    He’s the biggest moron in hockey history let alone the Flyers one

  9. blueteamk087

    I’m going to become the fucking Joker

  10. This week just further proves that Chuck Fletcher is the worst GM in NHL history

  11. it_do_be_like_that__

    Why the fuck did we hire this guy??? Like what about him was so appealing to the front office that they said “yup! That’s our guy!”

  12. crafbicycle

    This is how I’m feeling right about now.

    Moves I didn’t think we’re going to be made were. And we’re just sitting here like the 7th wheel of the date.

  13. FxStryker

    Just a reminder, when Hextall was fired the Flyers were labeled as one of the best positions an incoming GM can ask for, LEAGUE WIDE CONSENSUS TOO.

    Chuck Fletcher wasted everything for nothing.

  14. Woooooolf

    What has happened to my dear Flyers?? I don’t get to pay as close attention as I used to since I no longer live there but this is pathetic.

  15. _token_black

    Chuck Fletcher is the guy who waits until 10 minutes before a presentation to give his brilliant insight on what the team should do.

  16. OLPopsAdelphia

    Fuck this team anymore. They’re a bunch of spoiled kids who are unhappy, depressed, and perpetually sad because they’re making millions of dollars playing a game for a living.

    I watch people die in a hospital for a living, and I still put more effort into my day than than these assholes put into a season.

    I’m excited to see the future Flyers, not this current team of tantrum throwers.

  17. OLPopsAdelphia

    Hextall: Gm from 2014 to 2018 (4 years)
    Fletcher: Gm from 2018 to present (5+ years with no end in sight)

    Basically, management thinks Fletcher is doing better than Hextall.

    We’re screwed.

  18. Fun-Analyst-4398

    Huge trade return…. Future considerations.

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