@Canucks de Vancouver

« Nous ne voulons pas être ici pour une reconstruction et devoir attendre » Quinn Hughes s’entretient avec les médias avant le match de ce soir contre le Wild.

« Nous ne voulons pas être ici pour une reconstruction et devoir attendre » Quinn Hughes s’entretient avec les médias avant le match de ce soir contre le Wild.



  1. happigofucky

    Aight then make the playoffs goofs

  2. BCWeedMan

    r/canucks in absolute shambles right now

    If you want a rebuild it means losing hughes and pettersson

  3. MaxHardwood

    Oh god this is fucking hilarious. The superstars don’t want to wait until they’re in their late 20s.

    What a surprise! /s

    EDIT: And management doesn’t want to trade them. It is a defensible position. Not many players like those two come around often.

  4. WhereOhWerewolves

    Meaning Petey and him can get behind a successful retool but if it’s a rebuild they’re out of here.

    Which is why management is making the decisions it’s making.

    So, Rebuilder Camp, what now? Trade Petey and Hughes now? Collect picks? Or what. Can’t have both ways.

  5. NachoChingu

    Bedard this year and Cup next year seems like a pretty fair deal for the players and Team Tank. Who says no?

  6. Equal_Letterhead_904

    This sub has been ignoring this completely.

  7. TruYu96

    Think some people don’t understand here. Hughes have the right mindset. He wants to win and believes in his teammates. He hates losing and therefore, don’t want to wait until who knows when the team will be good. You can’t fault him there or any of the players for thinking like this. It’s not like he’s performing poorly to not back up his statement.

    It’s up to management to figure out the plan and right the ship. Whether it’s blowing up the team and trading them, or “retool” and find complement players.

  8. eexxiitt

    Love how Hughes is taking on a larger leadership role.

  9. shadownet97

    It’s up to management to make a long term plan and a vision for the future in order for players to stick around.

    It’s exactly what Sakic did in Colorado after their horrendous last place season.

  10. Unit_731_Survivor

    The one positive out of this, is that maybe we have a more competent group in management this time around.

    Not everyone will agree a retool is the best course, but maybe they can put together a better team than jet black. If it means keeping Hughes and Petey, fuck it

  11. NerdPunch

    The reality is, it’s way more complex than “rebuild vs re-tool”. I don’t care about what “r-word” people use, but you’re either building around Petey/Hughes or you’re not.

    You can disagree about the vision, but it comes down to this front offices ability to execute on that vision.

  12. Standingbutsitting

    This makes a lot of sense. If we were doing a rebuild it would 100% mean moving Petey and Hughes and Demko since it wouldn’t match the rebuild window.

  13. helixflush

    Well I want them to win too, but after realizing we don’t make the playoffs why not like the idea of getting a better player in the draft for reinforcements?

  14. deeho88

    This means management had a meeting and asked what the players want. Retool is the way now so everyone needs to stop whining about a rebuild. We do have a good core and we’ve added a few good players. Management is onto something and we need to see what the off season brings. They said they are ready to buy out this summer. Meaning they are hunting and I for one am ok with the core and a retool around them

    Edit: grammar and spelling

  15. Horvat53

    I don’t get why some fans here don’t get this. The star players don’t want to rebuild, they made it to the NHL and they know they are good. They want to win, they don’t want to wait. You can’t expect to keep players like this and rebuild at the same time.

  16. destiny-draw

    Great. Trade them while they have insane value and go full rebuild. Id rather that then maybe make the playoffs for a first round exit for the next however long.

  17. monkey314

    4D response, he’s know its gonna be crappy and is planting the seed to go to NJ

  18. Newaccount4464

    Have fun perpetually retooling hughes

  19. theboneandonly

    Fuck Benning for not building a contender around Pettersson and Hughes when they were on their ELC’s. That was such a waste.

  20. metrichustle

    And now Hronek makes sense. They want to start competing next year.

  21. 21marvel1

    They wanted Hughes leadership and they are getting it

  22. GobertoBobongo

    There’s nothing really shocking about that. Who would want to be around for a rebuild. The fans may want it (I certainly do) but it’s clear ownership and management are only willing to retool on the fly. That fact will placate our “star players”.

    Don’t overreact with this quote!

  23. ivebecomecancer

    I think maybe management has made the right moves given the circumstances but that the retool will be unsuccessful in the end and we’ll lose Petey and Hughes.

  24. theletterzed

    If we didn’t constantly try retooling, we’d actually be competitive with this Petey and Quinn. Instead we’re stuck against the cap as a bottom 5-10 team and had to trade away our captain. It’s the most frustrating thing.

  25. Fluffy_Contribution

    Building your team based on what your star players want often turns out really well!

  26. therocksays13

    Money talks. Hughes is already signed. You’re telling me if you didn’t offer Petterson Pastrnak money, he wouldn’t re-sign, regardless of where the team is. What did Bo say? He wanted to play for a contender and then re-signed with NYI when they showed him the money. Such mass hysteria in this thread.

  27. Interbrett

    Exactly how I would feel if them.

    However, it’s up to mgmt to fo what’s best for the team.

  28. Upbeat_Trainer

    The reality is it’s not going to work.

  29. Don’t blame the players and GM. It all on the ownership.

  30. TarsesaK

    I agree Mr Hugges. Happy you guys are getting support

  31. Knight_On_Fire

    He’s so chill. He’d be a unique captain and I mean that in a good way. He’s a stabilizing force.

    If the team is in win-now mode might as well choose a captain and I don’t mind if Pettersson just focuses on hockey.

  32. typeronin

    Then we have to ask ourselves if the goal is to keep Petey/Hughes or if it’s to win the Cup. The reality might be that we can’t do both.

  33. TaiterThoughts17

    Oh look, Quinn saying exactly what him, Demko and Petey have communicated and this is exactly why the team made the move to get them help on D where they SORELY need it.

    Now watch every media member in Vancouver continue to ignore this fact and keep moaning on the radio why the Canucks traded a pick they clearly never intended on using.

  34. primacord

    Breaking news: Competitive players don’t want a rebuild & want to win.

    The thing is, you need to do what is best for the franchise. If that means taking a step back in the short term, to be BETTER in the long-term, then IMO you do it. The goal should be cup, not fight for a playoff spot & hope for a miracle! Losing Petey & Hughes would suck but we’re already 12 years past our last cup appearance with no future in sight. How much worse can it get than we’ve had this past while? Hell Chicago won 3 cups & is doing a faster rebuild than us.

  35. WTFvancouver

    So it’s Hughes fault! Trade him now /s

  36. PlusDoubleM

    Besides ownership not wanting to rebuild, I feel like they want to retool instead of rebuild cause Pettersson and Hughes won’t want to be here long term and will most likely request a trade. They want to build around them, hence why they’re targeting players ages 23,24,25 to fit with the age range of Petey and Quinn. I also think they want to turn this team around quickly cause they see how wide open the west is compared to the east. If they rebuild, by then the west could be a lot stronger then it is now. I want them to rebuild, but it’s just my thoughts.

  37. GangreneMachine

    The main problem is this – when you’re paying your talent market value, you need ELC contributors in a big way. And outside of Kuzmenko this season we have literally zero. And not much coming.

  38. If Hughes and Pettersson is our future, we build around them and their timing. I wanted the team to tank and get picks this year but if those 2 feel otherwise, then fuck it lets get some better young players like Hronek.

    Players of Hughes and Pettersson dont come around often and we need to at least try during their peak years

  39. TsarPladimirVutin

    Anybody calling for a rebuild is fucking dumb. You get rid of Petey and Hughes if you want a rebuild, that means playing Russian roulette in the draft which is stupid. Chicago is doing it because they are a broken org. that is mired in scandal. The Canucks have an excellent forward group with an overpaid defence. Myers may be moveable, OEL can be a third pairing D if we can get one more LHD with a solid two way game. Re-sign Schenn and pair those two, keep Bear if he wants to stay and we could have a solid D core. If we can’t get Schenn back we may need to sign a veteran D.

    Good on Hughes for speaking out. We got a top pairing D man for a likely mid round 1st and a second. Yet fans on here bitch like we got fleeced. Of Detroit picks a dud we’ll be the ones laughing.

  40. eligibleBASc

    I don’t even care if they rebuild or retool. They both aren’t guarantees, and both have consequences. rebuild and we lose 3 of nearly the best players we’ve had in over 10 years – retool and we drag it out.

  41. mmavcanuck

    Detroit is a better team than the Canucks, and Stevie Y is selling at the deadline for picks.

    It would suck to be Hughes or Petey on this team, but if they don’t want to stick around for a rebuild, trade them. They aren’t going to want to stick around when yet another retool doesn’t work.

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