@Blues de Saint-Louis

Cette mise en échec des St. Louis Blues me manque vraiment…

Cette mise en échec des St. Louis Blues me manque vraiment…



  1. _Gassoff

    We haven’t seen this kind of forecheck since « the bubble. »

  2. nick1706

    Good times. That’s a whole different team though.

  3. Blues_Stl

    I’ll occasionally put games from the 2019 playoff run on the tv when I’m in my basement working on stuff. Just some pleasant background noise mostly, but I’ll tune in here and there still. One guy who frequently stands out more and more with multiple viewings is Maroon. Limited ice time, but he’s just such a monster on the boards on the forecheck. War of attrition on the other team as well with his physical play and cycle game

    Dude really is an effective hockey player. No chubby joke needed. His line frequently set the tempo that led to goals on the next shift those playoffs. His 3 cup run wasn’t just dumb luck for him. Though Tampa was pretty stacked he did his part exactly like he should for them as well

  4. Pinchypounder

    Goddamn now that’s how it’s done

  5. Sinisterminister77

    Inject this into my veins

  6. seannifer

    Man, I miss Doc Emmrick too. Dude made everything so much more intense.

  7. trotwood95

    God we were so good. What a clinic

  8. AmateurVasectomist

    Nice to see you again Gasser.

  9. NotTheRocketman

    We’ll get back there. We have a ton of assets coming up in a monster draft, and we have a really good core to build on. This team is nowhere near as bad as they’ve been this year, so if we can add on to that, I think we’ll be right back in the playoffs next year.

  10. GageDanger

    Where can I rewatch this series?

  11. scrivensB

    Bruh. Even Sanford is balling on the forecheck here.

  12. omgimabagel

    Is it bad I know exactly what this clip is going to be just based on seeing its in game 4? This was absolutely insane forechecking that unfortunately lead to a PP which they got a shorthanded goal on but we don’t talk about that lol. Just outworking for pucks and buzzing in the zone, so fun to watch.

  13. g00dj0b

    Fuck me it almost made me legit she’d a tear. RIP cup team

  14. I was at this game. Best game I’ve ever been to. The team was amazing to watch.

  15. arstechnophile

    I upvoted the OP from 90 to 91 and now I’m sad…

  16. winstonnight1

    That team was a heavy team. They were going to out physical you every night. We beat the sharks by hitting them until they were broken or too afraid. Our team now is too light.

  17. mhanna86

    Really strikes me how much quicker ROR was. He’s never been considered “fast” but compared to what he is now he looked like Mcdavid out there.

  18. recurse

    Wow, thanks for this. What a sequence

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