@Kraken de Seattle

[Seravalli] #SeaKraken garde également un œil sur John Klingberg. Mais Kraken propose simultanément des offres divertissantes sur Carson Soucy et Will Borgen pour potentiellement capitaliser sur certains des prix élevés du marché.

[Seravalli] #SeaKraken garde également un œil sur John Klingberg. Mais Kraken propose simultanément des offres divertissantes sur Carson Soucy et Will Borgen pour potentiellement capitaliser sur certains des prix élevés du marché.



  1. imthepits

    Nope not Borgen.. you stop right now!

  2. almostelement

    Please, Ron. Don’t get rid of Borgen and don’t bring in Klingberg

  3. DuckMads

    They can have Soucy but not Borgen

  4. adrianp07

    I’d be sad if we moved Borgen, he’s a good young defender we can build around

  5. Architeuthis_McCrew

    I thought the trade deadline has passed at noon EST today?

  6. shot-by-ford

    Hopefully psyop. Borgen’s hit yesterday practically sealed the win, after we were getting out-hit all day

  7. First-Radish727

    On one hand I like Borgen. On the other I think the D need some changes. Larson, Oleksiak are signed long-term. Dunn needs a new deal. Schultz is back next year. Evans might need a place soon. Borgen is the obvious player to change.

  8. Olbaidon

    Unless GMRF can land us an all star HOF blue liner, I think we should just ride out the next couple hours and not do anything.

  9. cdsixed

    borgen exactly kind of young guy we want to build a franchise around

  10. Architeuthis_McCrew

    Let’s all sit down, fam. Ron isn’t going to make a trade. Now, next year and definitely the year after that….. get your popcorn.

  11. Ooh I hope we keep Borgen! I really like Soucy too but I can see the merit in getting a good trade for him

  12. Year00Zero

    Soucy is gone in FA this summer so getting anything back would be good. He won’t be the difference btwn Making or missing the playoffs this year.

  13. Just want to trade Soucy and Oleksiak ffs. Leave the rest alone.

  14. DG_BeardGains

    If we trade borgy for klingberg I’m gonna pitch a fit

  15. surfingeagles

    Please not Borgen. He is one of the few consistent D-man that we have.

  16. DeadMediaRecordings

    If we trade Borgen for Klingberg I’m gonna stand outside Ron’s house with a megaphone and scream at him while he trying to sleep.

  17. tonytanti

    LeBrun was talking about JVR being on the radar of the kraken too.

  18. Dena844

    Soucy I’m fine with assuming he isn’t coming back in FA. Don’t you dare with Will though

  19. TripleBicepsBumber

    Not my borgy smorgy 🥺

  20. BeyondThePermafrost

    Don’t take Borgetron.. pleaseeeeee.

  21. Reggie4414

    lol they thought they’d get a first round pick for Soucy

  22. LauzonIsHotGarbage

    Thank you Minnesota…. We’ve dodged Klingberg again.

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