@Rangers de New York

[Walker] NYR – l’équipe est absente aujourd’hui et demain

[Walker] NYR – l’équipe est absente aujourd’hui et demain



  1. electric_liberty

    Makes sense. This is the last little break before the final push and then hopefully the postseason. Schedule will be intense. Give the defense a good rest and let Kane get his shit in order. Hard practice Tuesday and Wednesday. Crush the Habs Thursday. LGR.

  2. Clear_Willow3379

    These guys could use a nice day of bowling with $2 beers.

  3. Tommybrady20

    Powerplay practice on Tuesday about to go CRAZY

  4. Ridgew00dian

    Kane NEEDS to practice with this team!!

  5. MH566220

    Looked like they were off yesterday afternoon too.

  6. Kilduff_Dude

    I really hope they don’t get a 1st or 2nd round exit, would be embarrassing to say the least. I hope they start to show some improvements over the next few games.

  7. jaccw16

    These days off will be huge for kane. Keep in mind with these last two games he literally has not practiced with the team, learned their systems, etc. They need to rework the power play so he can be a distributer with fox and get the puck to Mika. Him and bread need to get used to each other again and not just force plays to the middle every time. He’ll get adjusted

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