@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Le pire jeu de l’année…

Cela doit être au plus bas pour la foudre … La grande histoire qui s’est déroulée aujourd’hui dans le match Tampa Bay Lightning contre Carolina Hurricanes pour moi au moins, était de savoir comment le Lightning allait réagir après ce qui s’est passé lors du match d’hier soir contre les Sabres. Pour ceux qui n’ont pas entendu, en entrant dans la 3e période avec une fiche de 4-1, les attaquants du Lightning Stamkos, Kucherov et Point ont tous été mis au banc par Jon Cooper pendant toute la 3e période de ce match. C’était un message fort que Cooper envoyait à l’équipe et je pense que selon la plupart des témoignages, nous pensions tous qu’ils sortiraient aujourd’hui et réagiraient en conséquence contre les Canes. Eh bien, ce n’est pas exactement comme ça que ça s’est passé… Ils n’ont obtenu que 4 tirs au 1er et AUCUN tir au but pendant toute la 2e période. Je couvre tout cela dans la vidéo récapitulative des faits saillants du hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui. #nhl #highlights #hockey #tampabaylightning #carolinahurricanes


  1. Note This did not snap a two game losing streak but it did extend the Canes winning streak to two games. (Friday, March 3rd, 6-1 win over Coyotes)

  2. I feel bad for Tampa even though they won back to back cups, this game they were just unlucky. Injuries were the problem this game.

  3. In my opinion, coach Cooper has lost the team. Too many egos involved. The good old days are good and gone.

  4. I was with my friend (we both cheer for the bolts) and in the 2nd period, we were cheering for a shot

  5. as a bolts fan i have no idea what went wrong, ever since the allstar break weve been playing like absolute horse shit and i think its safe to say that were all frustrated with whats going on

  6. Here's the dillema, first the lightning core is aging (I don't want to hear that "Oh, they are only 31, 32, 35 years old.", in hockey considering how brutal of a sport it is, anything over 30 is getting up there), they're becoming injury prone, and very fatigued. Keep in mind that the past 3 off seasons were only 2 months long at best for them. Then you lost McDonaugh, Rutta, and Palat, yor 3 best clutch players, top that off with the inability to acquire much team depth due to 3-4 years of cap manipulation, this upcoming off season and especially the 2024 off season will be the blowout year, half of the core will be free agents then, unless Vinik and Brisebois can sell them the "Stay with us and take a lower contract in leiu of the opportunity to bask on white sandy Florida beaches and play your last few years in the warm Florida sunshine, most of the core will be gone in 2-3 years. Lastly, the Lightning lost the real brains of their coaching operation to Detroit last year.

  7. Without Hedman there’s no playoff success for Tampa. Not even in the early rounds.

  8. As a pens fan, with a friend who is a lightning fan, when he talks about standing I just point at head to head and he shuts up.

  9. This is beyond been rock bottom. This team is done. It's in the administrative charges if this team dies old. or if they do a good reconstruction

  10. Suddenly, I'm no longer afraid of Tampa. Too bad the Leafs are also playing sh ite.

  11. I am a Penguins fan also but I'd cheer for the Canes if the Pens can't go far. As long as the Bruins don't come out of the East I'm happy. The Canes might be the team to beat them.

  12. canes so good this year should of done this if nxt game was like the ducks

  13. Sheeesh, I was at Hawks vs Senators game today. The Senators got smeared just like this …. no way I thought it was gonna end up like the Tampa game 😳

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