@Sabres de Buffalo

Discussion d’après-match : Sabres de Buffalo contre Islanders de New York – 07 mars 2023

Sabres perdent : 2 – 3




  1. xBialyOrzel

    Playing the Islanders and Toronto it seems.

  2. I don’t care what the announcers or anyone say. That was a kicking motion.

  3. BillytheBrassBall

    I wasn’t watching the game, and from the comments I dodged a bullet on the announcers. Anyone got a vid of the kick that cost us the game?

  4. Stabres

    Why can’t we have nice things….

    How can you overturn that freaking call, unbelievable.

  5. Tactial_snail

    how the fuck is lifting your skate off the ice, then moving your leg in the direction of the net, not a kicking motion?

  6. iwantthatpurpledrank

    According to rule 78.5 (i) in the NHL rulebook, goals will be disallowed « when the puck has been directed, batted or thrown into the net by an attacking player other than with a stick. »

  7. MoneybagsMcghee

    Stephen a Smith was right the NHL is a joke and will never become anything

  8. 3rdEyeJoker

    I don’t even blame the boys, rough back to back but holy shit these refs made me do fucking mad some of the shit they were fucking up tonight

  9. GuybrushThreepwood94

    The Fasching goal absolutely should not have counted. Fucking ridiculous to have a game decided with a goal like that.

  10. Skyline_BNR34

    Lost because of a kicked in goal.

  11. buffstuff

    Dogshit call. Still don’t understand how that can be overturned. I’ll be bitter about that for a while.

  12. trippyEDM

    I’ll never listen to an ESPN game again. Not kidding I’ll just listen to music. I’m done with their garbage product.

  13. AnUnwillingSponge

    Man I know they are young but I really just wanted to get in this year… and to lose on that kick…

  14. sobuffalo

    >distinct kicking motion

    Thought it was pretty clear but whatever.

  15. « After reviewing the play Buffalo go fuck yourelves »

  16. That call fucked us so badly…
    The rule clearly states:
    *Rule 78.5(I) When the puck has been directed, batted or thrown into the net by an attacking player other than with a stick. When this occurs, if it is deemed to be done deliberately, then the decision shall be NO GOAL. A goal cannot be scored when the puck has been deliberately batted with any part of the attacking player’s body into the net.*

  17. BananaInPajama7

    I thought playoffs were 100% out of the question before the season began. Then they had to make me a believer just to tear me down in march lol.

    At least this year I’m confident in saying we’ll actually be good next year and hopefully won’t have all these stupid little issues holding us back

  18. Fucking bullshit! We got jobbed. That goal was a clear kick or kicking motion. Biggest game we’ve had in a decade and it’s decided by the NHL. Complete bullshit.

  19. UncleOrton

    Well that night was brutal for our playoff chances with Pittsburgh coming back too. We’ll need to go on a hot streak which may be tough without Tuch.

  20. Kanine_tv

    Toronto screwing over Buffalo any chance they get

  21. Ok-Dot-5084

    Fuck ESPN and fuck the refs. Boys were gassed but they can’t play the isles, the refs, and Toronto all in one night. Nobody had the Sabres making the playoffs in their preseason pools. Sports betting is taking its toll on smaller teams like ours.

  22. Matty_Ice022

    That was clearly not a goal and idk how Toronto can get so many calls so wrong.

    Also Bryson is bad and idk how he gets playing time.

  23. BabyBottoms23

    Rule 78.5(I) When the puck has been **DIRECTED**, batted or thrown into the net by an attacking player other than with a stick. When this occurs, if it is deemed to be done **DELIBERATELY**, then the decision shall be **NO GOAL**. A goal cannot be scored when the puck has been deliberately batted with any part of the attacking player’s body into the net.

    NHL doesn’t even follow their own rules

  24. Manifesto13

    1st Star: Toronto

    2nd Star: Ice Crew

    3rd Star: Pierre Lambert

  25. This one hurts.

    People are going to blame the refs but in reality you don’t get outshot and outplayed for 3 periods and deserve to win. Horvat could’ve had a hattrick himself.

    Bryson is extremely bad. He can’t play anymore games.

    Edit: I should also stress, these are the types of losses that shape teams. It’s good for the young guys to go through times like this. See how bad it sucks. I obviously would’ve preferred to win but these are learning experiences that will only help us in the future.

  26. RagingAtRandom

    Lots of things that should have been different in that game but the neutral zone trap should be illegal. Absolutely unreal you can park 5 guys on the blue line and force teams to dump and chase the entire game

  27. Lugy_The_Meh

    Just dumb plays in the offensive zone and bad defensive coverage loses them another hockey game.. How many more times does this need to happen before the Sabres figure out they need to cover people when in your zone, and not try these stupid drop passes… We can see it and we aren’t even being paid anything!!

  28. dexter_cantalope

    If I did that not kicking motion into one of the announcers shins, I wonder what they would say 🤔

  29. WorthPlease

    One of the biggest games of the season and we lose it on an absolute horseshit call.

    I would’ve expected that to be a good goal called on the ice and then reviewed and called a kick and overturned.

    To have it be ruled a good goal on the ice and somehow overturned is hilarious.

  30. Large-Fly2792

    Sickening that they overturned it. Clearly a kicking motion, he purposely turned his leg/skate like a damn soccer player, wtf! Well I’m not counting them out yet but damn that was a big game that we had to win. They really can’t afford to lose anymore. Win! Don’t give up!

  31. lowerdel

    somehow no matter how pessimistic i get, season after season, i’m STILL disappointed in moments like this. it really hurts.

  32. OpabiniaGlasses

    Fuck the Islanders and their boring ass anti-hockey bullshit

  33. CNYMetroStar

    I’m pissed off. Losing on that BS is just gross.

  34. Beechsack

    >78.5 Disallowed Goals – Apparent goals shall be disallowed by the
    Referee and the appropriate announcement made by the Public
    Address Announcer for the following reasons:
    (i) When the puck has been directed, batted or thrown into the net by an
    attacking player other than with a stick. When this occurs, if it is
    deemed to be done deliberately, then the decision shall be NO
    GOAL. **A goal cannot be scored when the puck has been deliberately**
    **batted with any part of the attacking player’s body into the net.**
    (ii) When the puck has been kicked using a distinct kicking motion.


    Even if it wasn’t a kick, it was deliberately batted into the net with something that wasn’t the stick.


    Good job, NHL. As usual.

  35. CrunchMan94

    The way he opened his skate up and was reaching out with his free glove, I think his intent was to knock the puck down so he could control it… but ultimately, his skate was off the ice and moving in the direction of the goal. So intentional or not, it was a « kicking » motion.

    And to overturn the call after a 5 minute review, I’m just beyond confused.

  36. Sabres8127

    It’s not the end, still have games on hand and they can turn this around. That being said to hell with the officiating league wide. I don’t remember it ever being this bad. The NHL needs to reign this in if they ever want to be taken seriously as a pro sport.

  37. SamHinkieKnew

    An incredibly frustrating game, which is the only kind the Sabres and Islanders ever seem to play. Considering they were down two top 6 D and a top 3 forward on a back to back after playing arguably the best offense in hockey, the outcome isn’t a shock. As many have said, this season is already a success based on their progress. However, a game like this shows how much of a meat grinder the playoffs would be for this team. Tonight, you could see the fatigue.

    Also, just do away with the distinct kicking motion rule and let guys fucking rockette style pucks into the net. It’s an embarrassment to logic and reason for a supposed “rules analyst,” being streamed in from his basement based on your network “partner’s” minimum investment in your product, to discuss how a player kicking his leg is actually not a distinct kicking motion. A toddler would question such inane commentary.

  38. HilmDave

    Islanders are 12th in the league in market value, Sabres are 30th. And that’s why that wasn’t a kicking motion.

  39. original_flapjack

    I hate this timeline. Just seems like Buffalo is always getting fucked.

  40. Kevinn_Yeah

    This team is so freakin cursed. The fact that it was Hudson FUCKING Fasching scoring on a goal he kicked in as the GWG is absolutely cursed. If God is real, then he sure hates the sabres.

  41. andyouarenotme

    I’ll try not to be too reactionary, but that was a frustrating game. My key takeaways:

    – That was a kick and I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when I read anyone who says otherwise.
    – UPL played great. There were moments where he had to weather some extended pressure and he mostly handled their flurries well.
    – Dahlin is clearly injured. Not himself out there despite still being our obvious best defensemen.
    – Hated seeing Greenway on the ice with the goalie pulled. For one, he has 2 goals in 47 games. Two, the season’s on the line and it’s just not right putting him out there over the guys who’ve earned that chance to be out there.
    – The Bruins and to a lesser extend the Islanders play a brand of hockey that uses clutching and grabbing. NYI were not that much better positioned, they simply didn’t allow any movement in the slot. Players were mugged all game. I just don’t get it.
    – Bryson can’t be trusted with the puck and Clague looks lost at times. This was not a secret heading into the season, and Stillman isn’t going to be a magic solution. This is the main position of need in the offseason.
    – Sucks that the season essentially ends with us playing our most complete hockey.

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