@Bruins de Boston

Jim Montgomery APPELLE les Bruins pour leur mauvais jeu récent suite à la défaite des Blackhawks | Entrevue d’après-match

CHICAGO, IL – Les Bruins de Boston ont perdu leur deuxième match consécutif, et le troisième de leurs quatre derniers, mardi lorsqu’ils se sont inclinés contre les Blackhawks de Chicago, 6-3, au United Center. Ensuite, l’entraîneur-chef des Bruins, Jim Montgomery, a déchiré cette équipe après une autre nuit frustrante. « Frustration », a déclaré Montgomery. « Surtout de la frustration. Nous ne travaillons pas en équipe en ce moment et c’est la première fois de toute l’année que je peux dire cela. « Je ne sais pas. Je sais juste que l’énergie et l’émotion de notre équipe en ce moment sont très très – à des niveaux que je n’ai pas vus de toute l’année. CLNS est propulsé par FanDuel. Le jeu est désormais légal dans le Massachusetts ! Pour célébrer, CLNS et FanDuel offrent aux joueurs 200 $ lorsqu’ils parient 5 $. Pour réclamer votre offre, rendez-vous sur https://fanduel.com/Boston —— ————————————————– ————————————————– ————————– Bienvenue sur la chaîne YouTube du #CLNS Media Network pour le hockey des #Bruins de Boston. CLNS Media est le principal fournisseur en ligne d’audio / couverture vidéo pour les sports de Boston. Obtenez un accès intérieur complet aux Bruins au TD Garden, aux patins du jour du match au Warrior et partout sur la route. Les initiés accrédités de CLNS #NHLBruins Mike « Trags » Petraglia, Evan Marinofski, Sierra Goodwill et Connor Ryan du Boston Sports Journal. Fournit des nouvelles et des analyses instantanées en temps réel, ainsi qu’un accès complet aux vidéos complètes des joueurs, des entraîneurs, des propriétaires et de tous les autres sur Causeway Street. Pour les Celtics, Patriots, Red Sox, lauréats du prix CLNS, Cerceaux universitaires, NBA Historique, accédez ici aux chaînes en vedette – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiP7KyKodc3OHuN_XhEyPPw?sub_confirmation=1


  1. Cant win em all Jim, better to eat some bad games now than in the playoffs.

  2. Pasta needs to stop with the turnovers and begin playing with more effort. How does the #2 goal scorer in the NHL wiff on a penalty shot? I have faith in the B's but recently have had some issues with the way Pasta has been playing. They did look sluggish last night as well. Go Bruins WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I find him to be a great coach. Despite negative games and play he still seems to bring a positive attitude towards the game and his players. Not throwing anyone under the bus, finding good things about individual players games etc

  4. The only thing out of these games that the Bruins are finding out is that Forbort is the guy that’s going to be the odd man out come playoff time. He’s been awful lately. And for the love of god Pasta I love ya but the turnovers are killing us. This team desperately misses Halls speed and Folignos leadership. On the bright side Bertuzzi has been really good even though he hasn’t scored yet. He’s a great playmaker.

  5. 64 games into the season and they just reached double digit reg losses.. Can't really complain about that. They have lost the most 3 games in a row and that has been once.. They are still #1. would just like to see more consistencies from #88.

  6. Yep, pretty bad showing yesterday. It will be nice to have them in my home town tomorrow :).

  7. You can’t win every game ,no way ,and if you try to point out ,and accuse someone for losses guaranteed you will ,cause the team to break down and fail ,when bad luck is happening ,let it run its course ,because you can’t stop it ,so far everything was good ,the luck was for the biggest part was on the Bruin side ,now it’s against ,but calm down ,it’s no time to panic and stir up trouble ,where there is none ,they have a very good team they will be ok ,wait and you will see ,or panic and you will surly fail ,

  8. My non Bruins fans friends kept telling me the B's were going to win the cup and lose probably only four games along the way. I kept telling them I didn't think so . The playoffs require a certain mentality, a certain focus, a group belief that you're going to win this game and this series and we're going to play hard and block shots etc for 60 minutes every damn game. We had the mentality in 2011 and we had it in 2013 we just had more injuries to key players that year that we couldn't overcome and Chicago didn't have injuries. This year we have the players. I'm not sure we have the desire and the ability to conjure up the mentality and focus. Carolina seems to be able to conjure it up more readily than us. It could be that Foligno is a bigger loss than we know. He could be playing the role Recchi played in 2011

  9. Shits going to their heads. Set new NHL records and now are in coast mode. Worse than coast mode. You can NOT lose to the bottom bottom teams when you're on the pace they have been.
    Forbort you're play has been ass lately.
    Clifton, see above.
    PASTA i love you man but WTF are you doing these past couple games?

  10. Get all your kinks in the game/team now. Do NOT pull this shit in the playoffs. Expectations are on another level this year. Don't fuck it up boys

  11. 63 looks hurt why is 46 37 playing back to back against Detroit these guys are exhausted.

  12. They have been sloppy its not fatigue but laziness and that power play has been awful- what do they work on in practice anything because they look bad

  13. Ever since that Calgary game, the Bruins have looked worse than they were before. Even in the games they have won, they haven't exactly played their best imo.

  14. They need Hall and Foligno back. I like Bertuzzi but he's not a very good skater it seems. Hall has a bit more speed.

  15. Honestly i think for the power play he should just sit pasta. Not because i dont love him cuz he is a hell of a player but they just look for him allllllll the time and its so easy to defend. And 4 fwrd on pp i get it but bergy needs to be the "2" D. But we need him for bumper. Foligno i think is greatly miss right now to give some character and leadership for bottom lines. And hall speed will give more space for line mate on the ice. Those 2 injuries really hurt right now. Better now then playoff. Go bruins go

  16. Bruins getting to relaxed with their position in the standings and it showed in these last 2 games.

  17. Keep on rotating your defensemen , seems to work well you idiot . You don't tinker with a great team . Have another drink . Time to sit ORLOV .

  18. What’s worst than losing games that you deserve to lose? Winning games that you deserve to lose…. Lately those have been the kind of wins the Bruins got. The games vs Flames and the Detroit come to mind.

  19. 50 years being a bruin fan a bunch of years ago I saw them go up three games to nothing to Philadelphia Lost the series four games to three my Bruins give me anxiety bad this year I hope I can make it through the playoffs and not smash brand new hockey stick when they lost four games 23 after leading three games to none wow I still stand by my Bruins

  20. I will say that I have been disappointed by the bruins play in the last 2 games. Fingers crossed they get themselves together and get back to kicking a$$

  21. Since the acquired the two new heros for the team, they went down hill quick. Must be difficult setting up lines with so much talent, and different chemistry amongst players. Something happened in a weird way, and idk????
    Bs were on fire until that recent trade for those two power players.

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