@Sabres de Buffalo

Discussion d’après-match : Sabres de Buffalo aux Capitals de Washington – 15 mars 2023

Sabres perdent : 4 – 5 SO




  1. Icommentoncrap

    I honestly swear this league is playing a sick joke on us to see how much they can influence games and playoffs for their ratings over the outrage and making this league a joke. Not sure how many more of these no calls followed by a game changing call I can take. Fuck the refs, fuck the capitals, and fuck Ovi

  2. xBialyOrzel

    The ghost of Robin Lehner haunts UPL

  3. Green_hippo17

    Shootouts are fake hockey for Mickey Mouse teams

  4. ScotiaTailwagger

    What a disappointing end to what was otherwise a very entertaining game.

  5. whirlwind87

    Well that sucked we never trailed until we lost that was frustrating

  6. Sabre2230

    No one to blame but ourselves for blowing that lead

  7. puffypigeon16

    I mean I get it but like come on. Refs gifted them 2 goals with those fucking Mickey Mouse ass calls. Fuck off NHL.

  8. barffolemeow

    Kuznetsov sucks at hockey. I hate his bitch ass shootout moved

  9. BillytheBrassBall

    Refs can and should eat a burlap sack of cocks

  10. Pho-Soup

    I hate the refs too, but facts are we blew yet another lead, and had lots of opportunities in OT as well. This team just struggles so much to put games away.

  11. gobills1365

    Tuch has got to be smarter than that. Potential captain canr be pulling that shit with the season potentially on the line. Use your damn head

  12. Finally_Smiled

    « All around me are familiar faces… »

  13. i-hope-i-get-it

    Shootouts should be out of 5. Change my mind.

    Should also be able to have a chase guy. Change my mind.

  14. sunyoung-luna

    Fuck the caps and fuck Ovechkin, the refs literally handed them that game

  15. Lugy_The_Meh

    Idk. Reffing could have been better but there is no feeling worse than watching them blow a 2 goal lead twice in the third period.. horrendous performance in the final 20

  16. TheresA_LobsterLoose

    The fuck was that shootout attempt?… why don’t we all do that? Just slowly walk in and then tap it in. Is there no time limit?

  17. acornhiker

    Everyone crying about chemtrails in the NHL reffing are clueless. Our defense loses us games and continues to. Giving up 4 GAA + a game is not sustainable. We are close and I hope we continue to be right on the doorstep til the end this year.


    They really found a lot of ways to lose that game

  19. Oilybuffalo

    WTF? No seriously WTF!!! UGH!!!! Seriously

  20. churrosRyummy55

    Refs were bad for sure, but with 2:30 remaining and on a powerplay, you can’t give them that easy of a roughing call to make. Bad decision making in the moment by someone who is supposed to be a leader cost us the game.

  21. lowerdel

    this is so sad alexa play better days

  22. jimmy_beans

    Be mad about the calls all you want, but our penalty kill SUCKS. Kill the penalties and that’s two points.

  23. TheFerricGenum

    Tuch cannot take that penalty, and cozens has to know better. I don’t care about any of the other calls or non-calls. Those are both textbook penalties, and both 100% avoidable. When you’re up 1 and on the powerplay, you don’t take stupid penalties. Just keep the puck in and run the clock out, dumbass.

  24. Quit making excuses for them. You sound lame. They had a 4-2 lead and lost. Painful but this is how you learn.

  25. Sabre2230

    Where’s the guy that posts the heatmap of chances our D gives up in games we lose? Wonder if this was one of them, feels like it was

  26. McBride055

    I’ll preface this by saying I don’t know much at all about hockey.

    Why is the Sabres’ defense so bad? Is it lack of talent, style of play leading to more opportunities, a mix of both or something else entirely?

    This team is just completely incapable of keeping a lead and I just have no idea what the cause is.

  27. LeftLanePatrol

    The highs and lows are more extreme than any team or season I can remember following. They were dominating on both sides of the ice then I can’t possibly explain wtf happened in the 3rd period. The refs fucked us for sure, but we did it to ourselves too. Don’t forget how we were dominant in OT and screwed ourselves again. Man I love this team though!

  28. Lanlis12

    Greenway with some horrendous turnovers tonight. He then capped his night off by letting Wilson beat him to the net and tie the game up. He’s liability, the more you watch him, the worse he gets.
    Tage needs to put the fucking puck in the net. If he finishes just one of his chances we win this game.
    Allowing a team that played the night before to comeback from down 2 goals halfway through the third is a fucking joke.

  29. ksettle86

    Fucking fuck and fuck are bullshit fuck fuck clear the fucking fuck puck you’re on the fucking penalty kill! Three guys in zone just staring at Wilson tie the game up. Tack on UPL once again being unable to close a game out, and getting positively torched in the SO. Go kick the shit out of Philly and regroup. Fuck

  30. Sonny_Zwack

    Officially 3-of-5 on faceoffs in OT but I’d score it 4-of-5. That’s how you get over 80% of possession. Just gotta capitalize.

  31. boring_tomato

    The consistent blown leads suck. I know they’re young but they have to learn. UPL wasn’t great. Meh

  32. SabresFan4792846

    Should we have put Anderson in for the shootout??

  33. BillytheBrassBall

    Caps thread calling us bad sports for posting every goal, what an absolutely moronic take

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