@Ligue nationale de hockey

L’amour gagne

L’amour gagne



  1. TotalReflection

    I’m donating $10 for every goal he scores

  2. outofcontrol420

    Lucky Wayne is retired. Or you be mortgaging your house

  3. TwoScreenDoors

    That’s gonna be a shit load of money

  4. DontTellMom420

    Woooo don’t break the bank hunny. Shit like this is a publicity stunt. Just donate $50 now and save the tweet.

  5. VMCColorado

    l’ll pledge a thousand (1000) for every goal Reimer let’s in a playoff game this year.

  6. Porkchopp33

    Why don’t we donate some money for every win he gets make something good out of it…. I am pro free choice also pro helping out a good charity

  7. bigJiminPHX

    Why are Americans forced to care about LGBT issues? An average of 22 veterans commit suicide everyday in America. There’s a national opioid epidemic. There’s an increase in homelessness in America. Americans aren’t forced to care about those issues, but people get angry if a random NHL player doesn’t want to participate in gay pride celebrations. Horrible priorities for society.

  8. Deanbell1223

    Might be the dumbest shit I’ve seen in months.

  9. Disastrous-Group4521

    Alyssa seems like she wants to make her name out of this situation…kind of sad.

    Just make the donation if that’s your cause, but to publicize it now makes her an attention whore and takes the point out of it.

  10. PessimisticProphet

    Lol you’re all so butt hurt about 1 player not accepting your ideology. « No, we MUST shove it down every one of their throats! »

  11. fdisfragameosoldiers

    🤣 gonna be a lot of people going bankrupt!

  12. Kycelium

    So much is wrong with this situation:
    1) to pretend that the nhl (or any large corporation for that matter) truly stands behind any of these issues they peddle/force into the rest of the world is nuts. It is nothing but a business tactic to try to maximize viewership and profit.
    2) the caption “love wins” would insinuate that James Reimer is doing this out of hate. That is very dangerous to do online and i think we can all agree he is not acting out of hate. If anything, he is doing it out of love (for his religion).
    3) Reimer should realize who he works for. It is only going to get worse. There are going to be endless “events” to champion social issues on the nhl stage. Just do your job and wear the jersey.
    4) Donating money to any sort of charity/not for profit should be done because you want to help. Not because you want people to see you help. Just donate your money and leave reimer out of it.

    While I think it is extreme to force employees into these sort of stunts, it also seems extreme to refuse to wear a jersey cause its a different color.

    Can we just let people be themselves anymore?

  13. redheaded_stepc

    This is very important and is going to make a big difference

  14. skyguy10ply

    Not surprised by Reimers decision. This is how he’s been domesticated. Shame that all the traveling and seeing the world hasn’t altered his prejudiced views. Oh well!

  15. SteakMan43

    I’ll pledge to donate $1000 for y’all to shut the fuck up

  16. Capitulation_Trader

    I hope it costs you hundreds! This is a great, charitable idea

  17. im_intj

    Weak sauce tweet screenshot that belongs somewhere else.
    So it’s ok for someone to protest an anthem but not protest a pride jersey practice?

  18. anwright1371

    Ironic him not supporting the cause, in turn, is creating more support for the cause

  19. thedoodsrugttv

    LGBTQ+ supporter responds in spite (as they usually do) because they can’t respect other people’s views if doesn’t align with their own. Pathetic. At least the spite is for a good cause

  20. paulybananas

    Yeah, I highly doubt she follows through.

  21. Juubimaru

    Hands down the best reaction to the Reimer news

  22. brewdizogs

    Reimer is garbage. Hope she has a deep wallet

  23. MrAngryPineapple

    Who gives a fuck? People making this into such a big situation for absolutely no reason. 1 person didn’t want to wear a shirt and there’s nonstop posts about it on here and so many people attacking someone for absolutely no reason

  24. info-warz

    All this does is guaranteeing Reimer permanently lives rent free in peoples heads

  25. Mdj81sauga

    Fuck people are pathetic. It’s amazing how sensitive they are to things that should affect their lives in the slightest.

  26. mingvs_dew

    To hell with this histrionic bullshit

  27. abbadabba52

    What an idiot bit of grandstanding. This « Alyssa » is just trying to make herself famous.

  28. CarsAndCamping

    Funny that it’s « love wins » when people call for others heads when they won’t wear a fucking rainbow shirt.

  29. Rustee_Knail

    It’s sickening how much straight people have to cater to all these communities. Believe what you want, love who you want to love, be yourself, but don’t fucking get mad at someone because they don’t “recognize” you. Just live your fucking life Jesus Christ

  30. Ozzman_925

    This is an awesome post, F*** James Reimer for standing up for his beliefs.

  31. OkNegotiation6028

    Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

  32. Yuptheybannedme

    “Love wins”

    Yea, until someone wants to pursue religious freedom

  33. Suruga-Kanbaru-

    Reimer is such an ally to the lgbt+ community that he knew someone was gonna do this and now is gonna let in as many goals as possible. All part of the long con

  34. Fun_Doughnut_4537

    If he doesn’t believe or support something he shouldn’t be forced to. I support him 100 %. He made a statement on why he wasn’t going to wear one of them stupid jerseys so give him a break already. He was sincere in his statement give it a break…

  35. Spiritual_Holiday511

    The best way to counter bigotry. Hope she donates it in his name too.

  36. thenegativeone112

    3 is such a random number to donate.

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