@Avalanche du Colorado

Mikko Rantanen abandonne Moritz Seider

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  1. I really dont see anything wrong with any of this, and I say that with the mindset of if Seider didnt get clipped and wouldnt have stayed down, I dont think any sort of penalties would be called.
    Just a puck battle that ended with a possible injury so the refs were essentially forced to call one (Mikko) and then what ensues after (Walman)

  2. This caption is a weird way of saying interference. I don't think this call would have been a turning point in any way for the wings, but man the refs this year are absolutely terrible

  3. Seider dumped him clean. He got up and arm tackled him at the hip into his teammates knee.

  4. Ya, now roughing from any Colorado players there, nope. Let's just even it up because we're cowards. NHL officiating sucks.

  5. Hit?? My dude grabbed his leg and pulled up. Not even a hit. Holding 100%, good call by the refs

  6. The refs really do suck in the NHL lol … holding? Really? Mo took himself out more than Mikko did…

  7. The physics of that doesn't seem to make sense or mikko has a crazy wrist flick strength

  8. He didn’t “drop” him lol, he interfered with him and Seider awkwardly fell into another players skate.

  9. Seider is such a faker and flopper, dude dishes out the hits but can’t take them himself. Lost alot of respect for him, STOP DIVING!

  10. dirty and causes something that could have ended up being very dangerous

  11. People who whine about refs and no calls:
    Rantanen did get a holding penalty for this.
    And Wahlman took a stupid roughing penalty to cancel it out by boarding Rodriguez. Red Wings were only 2-1 down at the time.

  12. 1:00 Seider fanboys are blind.

    List of things Mikko supposed did from the comments section:

    1.Slew foot

    2.Tackled Seider

    3.Grabbed Seider around the waist and dry humped him on the way down

    4.Hugged Seider down to the ice

    5.Grabbed his leg and lifted up

    But…Seider is clearly the stronger between the two. Lol.

  13. Stupid commentator. Seider jandles him n he falls, gets up n use his arm n like a clothesline to seider. Both got each other.

  14. What a combo move, Mikko with the takedown and Rodrigues with brutal kick to the head

  15. For the lazy who can't bother to watch to the end or skip to 1:17 for the call: It was holding, was called and Mo caught a skate to the side of his head on the way down.

  16. That wasnt even a hit. It was a mixture of balance and the way Mikko pulled him backwards. We all know Seider would send Mikko out on a stretcher if he reallly wanted to.. 😅

  17. What actually happened from a Rangers fan: Seider and Rantanen pushing and shoving at goal line, Seider lays on a cross check, Mikko throws and elbow, puck goes to the corner, Seider slewfoots Mikko, maybe on accident maybe on purpose and he goes down, Mikko doesn't like that so he holds Seider and takes him to the ground. Definitely a penalty but not like Seider didn't do anything wrong either. Looks to me like wings fans are big mad in the comments cuz the Moose made the big bad Moritz Seider look like a beer leaguer. Oh also the Avs smacked em 5-1.

  18. Rantanen can be expecting a call from Dana White wanting to sign him to the UFC after that take down. 😂

  19. That was WWE style. He picked him up by the inside of the thigh and let go when he was in the air.

  20. What was the point of this video.. it was a dirty kinda hit but nothing illegal and these kinda hits happen all the time

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