@Sabres de Buffalo

Votre résumé hebdomadaire de /r/sabres pour la semaine du 16 mars au 22 mars

**Jeudi 16 mars – Mercredi 22 mars** ###Top vidéos | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 148 | [14 comments](/r/sabres/commentaires/11t4hfw/gmka_right_now/) | `[Memes]` [GMKA right now](https://v.redd.it/rvt2hhrjp5oa1)| | 104 | [6 comments](/r/sabres/comments/11wpwex/more_original_art_lets_hope_denim_levi_plays_as/) | `[Highlights]` [More Original Art! Let’s hope « Denim Levi » plays as good as he looks](https://i.redd.it/wva7dtjumxoa1.jpg)| | 100 | [13 comments](/r/sabres/comments/11wp04b/devon_levi_intro_press_conference_i_knew_in_my/) | [Devon Levi intro press conference – « I Knew In My Heart I Wanted To Be A Buffalo Sabre »](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TBZ0ibDzHo&ab_channel=BuffaloSabres)| | 89 | [10 comments](/r/sabres/comments/11ykbee/hey_guys_more_original_art_i_partnered_with_the/) | `[Highlights]` [Hey guys – more original art! I partnered with the Buffalo Sabres & 26Shirts to create this Military Appreciation Night design, benefitting the USS The Sullivans! (the irony of pairing two sinking ships isn’t lost on me)](https://i.redd.it/uxbpgyc0tapa1.jpg)| | 75 | [17 comments](/r/sabres/comments/11u1n5d/oh_we_definitely_hype_devon_levi_is_officially_a/) | `[Highlights]` [Oh we definitely hype. Devon Levi is officially a Buffalo Sabre! ⚔️](https://v.redd.it/t2uotpinscoa1)| | 73 | [56 comments](/r/sabres/comments/11xyxxs/this_play_perfectly_encapsulates_our_recent_skid/) | `[Highlights]` [This play perfectly encapsulates our recent skid. Awful puck management and goalies getting beat by muffin shots.](https://v.redd.it/69nq4dg5g6pa1)| | 73 | [5 comments](/r/sabres/comments/11u3on3/levi_is_signing_with_the_habs/) | `[Memes]` [« Levi is signing with the Habs! »](https://v.redd.it/2nztic316doa1)|   ###Commentaires du fil de jeu | score | commentaire | |–|–| | 97 | /u/GuybrushThreepwood94 a dit [Really not sure why I decided to waste 3 hours of my Sunday watching this game.](/r/sabres/comments/11vv4pj/post_game_thread_boston_bruins_at_buffalo_sabres/jcuz78u/?context=5) | | 84 | /u/china-boy-tom a dit [I can’t believe people bring their kids to sabres games.](/r/sabres/comments/11y2ba4/post_game_thread_nashville_predators_at_buffalo/jd5wy4j/?context=5) | | 79 | /u/Icommentoncrap a dit [So glad we decided to crash and burn on Saint Patricks day where copious alcohol consumption and incoherent rambling is festive and not an issue](/r/sabres/comments/11uarma/post_game_thread_buffalo_sabres_at_philadelphia/jcn8k07/?context=5) | | 72 | /u/Son_Of_The_Empire a dit [In honor of Japan being in the WBC finals, and the Sabres’ recent games, I am going to commit seppuku on center ice](/r/sabres/comments/11y2ba4/post_game_thread_nashville_predators_at_buffalo/jd5wyiw/?context=5) | | 70 | /u/CommaToTheTop a dit [Maybe the playoffs are a bad idea](/r/sabres/comments/11vv4pj/post_game_thread_boston_bruins_at_buffalo_sabres/jcuzd4r/?context=5) | | 67 | /u/__BienBienBien__ a dit [Whelp that wasn’t good. It hasn’t been good for a little while. But I still love the sabres, will cheer for them and support them. I’ve been a fan since the 80s and am not going to stop now. Win or lo…](/r/sabres/comments/11y2ba4/post_game_thread_nashville_predators_at_buffalo/jd5xgvs/?context=5) | | 61 | /u/theNightblade a dit [Was the first half of the season a mirage? Is the young team just worn down? Is the weight of expectation crushing the team as a whole? Find out next time, on dragonball z](/r/sabres/comments/11vv4pj/post_game_thread_boston_bruins_at_buffalo_sabres/jcuzomo/?context=5) | | 61 | /u/AddictionsExWives a dit [Team is cooked. Greenway, though I hope I eat my words, seems to have been a mistake.](/r/sabres/comments/11vv4pj/post_game_thread_boston_bruins_at_buffalo_sabres/jcuzej5/?context=5) | | 60 | /u/zamend229 a dit [Just 1 month ago I actually enjoyed watching the Sabres. I’m just dumbfounded at this point and ready for MLB to start up](/r/sabres/comments/11y2ba4/post_game_thread_nashville_predators_at_buffalo/jd5wzr1/?context=5) | | 58 | /u/HilmDave a dit [Shout-out to everyone that tuned out at 00:15](/r/sabres/comments/11vv4pj/post_game_thread_boston_bruins_at_buffalo_sabres/jcuzb5l/?context=5) |   ###Meilleurs messages restants | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 509 | [173 comments](/r/sabres/comments/11tyo6f/sabrespr_the_buffalo_sabres_have_signed/) | `[Announcement]` [[SabresPR] The Buffalo Sabres have signed goaltender Devon Levi to a three-year entry-level deal.](https://twitter.com/SabresPR/status/1636789555365027840)| | 424 | [46 comments](/r/sabres/comments/11wfnld/cozens_is_100_heart/) | [Cozens is 100% heart](https://i.imgur.com/Ayk226v.jpg)| | 355 | [20 comments](/r/sabres/comments/11yfyc2/pain/) | `[Memes]` [Pain](https://i.imgur.com/R0NRRPW.jpg)| | 329 | [42 comments](/r/sabres/comments/11wq94h/perfect_photo_placement/) | [Perfect photo placement 🤩](https://i.redd.it/crq1ffyj6zoa1.jpg)| | 272 | [50 comments](/r/sabres/comments/11u3dxi/devon_levi_will_be_wearing_27/) | `[Positivity!]` [Devon Levi will be wearing 27](https://i.imgur.com/F028uyV.jpg)| | 244 | [14 comments](/r/sabres/comments/11sxqfm/refs_didnt_help_but_they_have_nobody_to_blame_but/) | [Refs didn’t help but they have nobody to blame but o themselves](https://i.redd.it/ckaw60a7y5oa1.jpg)| | 205 | [37 comments](/r/sabres/comments/11tr4co/happy_anniversary_2_yeas_ago_today_ralph_krueger/) | [Happy Anniversary – 2 yeas ago today Ralph Krueger fired](https://i.imgur.com/PaRzP32.jpg)| | 174 | [102 comments](/r/sabres/comments/11tpsxb/the_senators_have_lost_4_straight_games_they_dont/) | Les Sénateurs ont perdu 4 matchs de suite. Ils n’ont pas de choix de repêchage avant le 4e tour et ont échangé leur choix de premier tour l’an dernier. J’adopterai l’approche patiente de Kevyn Adams.| | 161 | [13 comments](/r/sabres/comments/11tdpaz/official_penguins_lost_upvote_party/) | `[Positivity!]` [Official Penguins lost upvote party!](https://www.espn.com/nhl/game/_/gameId/401459673)| | 155 | [86 comments](/r/sabres/comments/11vvj9y/so_uh_im_thinking_goaltending_might_be_a_big/) | `[Shitpost]` [So uh… I’m thinking goaltending might be a big problem.](https://i.redd.it/09ep4xj4ksoa1.jpg)|  


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